MAC 25% off sale


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MirandaTN
I ordered Tuesday morning at 6:30 am... my order says it's still being processed... i emailed them and just got an email saying my card had been approved and the order was being processed for shipment...

I want my stuff!!! lol Ship it already!

i ordered my stuff on the 16th and mine still says pending too!!! but it already charged my card i just want my stuff so bad!


Well-known member
Yesterday my first order was still saying pending. But today I got an email it had shipped and it will be here Monday
. I had expected for it to take longer because I figured with the sale they would be slammed by orders and especially by those of us who did more than one.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BeautyPsycho
I just tried the code again, just for the heck of it, and it applied it.


Please review and enter your information completely to proceed.
  • The offer code SUMO has been applied.

Holy crap...should I get the 134? And maybe the 138 too??


Well-known member
Ahh!!! I got an email this morning that my first order from Monday has shipped, so I went to the UPS website to track it, and it said my package would come Saturday, and I was like...

But I just checked it again, and it says "rescheduled" for Monday...

I wanted to play with my stuff this weekend!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissResha
the 138 is insane. i shoulda got 2.

MissResha, What do you use it for mainly? If I have the 165, do I need it too?

1 UP Mushrooms

Well-known member
I just called customer service to make a slight change to my order. After I told her what I want changed she asked what my billing address is and what's the name on the credit card. She then said she has to check something and put me on hold, she got me worried! So she came back saying she just want to make sure everything matched and also mentioned that the inventory on might not have been accurate and that some people might not get all the products they ordered. She said I might get a phone call in the next day or two telling me I won't be getting some of the items. So just a heads up Canadian peeps...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CoConutNwuT
MAC wont like end up charging full price if i used the sale code......right?

Once they authorize your credit/debit card for a certain amount, they cannot go back and change the amount later. So if the purchase goes through for the discounted price, you're golden!!


Well-known member
well i just got it, but i've already used it for MSF's (it picks up the perfect amount of product, i think its FAB for MSF's.) It's gorgeous for blush application and contouring. its so light and gentle omg i need another one. one to use, and one to play with LOL. its insanely soft.

i dont have the 165 so i cant compare, but i plan on getting the 165 very soon just becuz i hear its kinda like a smaller version of the 138.

i'll put it this way, the 138 does for your face, what the 224 does for your eyes. very multifunctional brush. great investment.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MelodyAngel
Once they authorize your credit/debit card for a certain amount, they cannot go back and change the amount later. So if the purchase goes through for the discounted price, you're golden!!



Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissResha
well i just got it, but i've already used it for MSF's (it picks up the perfect amount of product, i think its FAB for MSF's.) It's gorgeous for blush application and contouring. its so light and gentle omg i need another one. one to use, and one to play with LOL. its insanely soft.

i dont have the 165 so i cant compare, but i plan on getting the 165 very soon just becuz i hear its kinda like a smaller version of the 138.

i'll put it this way, the 138 does for your face, what the 224 does for your eyes. very multifunctional brush. great investment.

Well I think I need it now!!!
Thanks hun!! Now, if I can get that discount just one more time...


Well-known member
using the 138 with ur MSF's will help your MSF's last forever. i've used all kinds of brushes with them and love that one the most. other brushes (for me) pick up way too much product. i can literally and gently set the brush on top of my msf and whatever it picks up is the perfect amount. i heart it. just mad im so late with it lol. oh well.


Well-known member

Okay so I opened my box and I saw these two bigger boxes and my heart dropped I was like "OH my god did they mix up my order with someone elses .. ?" but I started looking at everything else and I had everything I ordered .. AND MORE .

I got a studio tech foundation in NW15 and moistureblend foundation in NW20 . Not my matches lol . Anyone have any idea on what I should do with it ? BNIB .


Well-known member
I got my 2nd box today. I got Stop Look dazzleglass - it is such a very pretty plummy mauve! My lips looked like I just ate diamond dust
I bet it would look great over lavender whip or fashion mews.

oh, mine had a bubble too


Well-known member
The only brushes I ordered were the 138 and 239 for this sale. i should have got more but I tried to practice restraint. LOL

Anyone know what MAC brush is the best for applying Bare Escentuals mineral foundation. I've been shamefully using my BE brush all these years


Well-known member
So I'm in SoCal and I remember someone saying it takes alittle longer for things to be sent to Cali. But I still haven't gotten an email saying it's even been shipped yet(i ordered on the 16th). I called yesteday and they said my stuff is "packed and ready to go"...but this morning I checked the order status and it said UNAVAILABLE! Has this happened to any of you? should i worry?

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