MAC All About Orange Collection (June 2013)


Well-known member
Got Flamingo and SK, and IF

Like Flamingo, SK I liked in stores but I'm like eh about it now, I don't wear light lips often so perhaps it just needs to grow on me?

IF very blah. I'll try it a couple more times but I may just sell it or something.
Try blotting on SK to build up the color to your liking...That's how I have been wearing it without a liner


Well-known member
I tried layering Sushi Kiss over a pinky gloss, and it is so beautiful. I can't believe I love Sushi Kiss as much as I do.


Well-known member
Thanks lovie!!! I need to post pics on here everytime I feel sick and crappy! Specktra is better than medicine! HeeHee

That cross necklace I picked up in Vegas at a store called "charming charlie" for - NO LIE - $7.00! I liked that it was so cute and understated for days when I didn't want to think about my jewelry... (like the last few I've been so sick and poopie)! Maybe you can find a store near you on this link?!
We just got a Charming Charlie here and I've yet to go into it. I think I'll try to do so this weekend. That necklace is really cute. Do they have a lot of cute stuff in there?


Well-known member
sounds pretty! what gloss did u use? i think i need some new glosses LOL
I used the dior addict lip glow (one universal shade) though I think any gloss would do. I liked the look of the slight pink glossy tinge under the bolder, more matte Sushi Kiss. It was a nice mix for a more 'everyday orange'. Btw, I bought RS! Love it!


Well-known member
I went to my Macy's counter to try on all the lippes, I'm glad I ordered flamingo off Nordstroms I loved it. But SK looked a hot mess on me lol which I figured it would smh lol so I might go back and get back ups of neon orange and flamingo tomorrow. Wish Nordstroms would hurry up and send me my flamingo, the tracking still isn't updated sighhhhh


Well-known member
Missbeautibunni And píxie are a clear proof that these shades are great an all complexion ranges. You ladies look fab!!!!! Em 94 YJ white.


Well-known member
I used the dior addict lip glow (one universal shade) though I think any gloss would do. I liked the look of the slight pink glossy tinge under the bolder, more matte Sushi Kiss. It was a nice mix for a more 'everyday orange'.  Btw, I bought RS! Love it!
Im glad u love RS! I was begining to think im the only one who likes it :)


Well-known member
Hey Medgal - look what warning sign I just got again - see, it has nothing to do with my drinking limit

"You are over your limit for rating content. Please try again later."


cheers babe


Well-known member
OMG... NO LIE.... When I first read your response, I thought you were telling me to give YOUR LIPS a try since I said I wanted them! LOL I was totally doing THIS ----->

THEN I re-read and saw you were talking about trying ALL THE LIPPIES! DOH!
HeeHee wink
Here's my pic of neon orange, I hope it shows up since I'm up loading from my iPad
Wowza! And here I'm thinking I'll just skip NO because it's perm at PRO... Crap! I gotta get it now. I have held out long enough! BEAUTIFUL!


Well-known member
OMG... NO LIE.... When I first read your response, I thought you were telling me to give YOUR LIPS a try since I said I wanted them! LOL I was totally doing THIS ----->

THEN I re-read and saw you were talking about trying ALL THE LIPPIES! DOH!
HeeHee wink

THANKKKKK YOUUUUU for posting this! I was worried RS was going to be wrong for me, and now I have a combo to try! YES!!

OMGGGGG! I got lost for over an HOUR in that store when I went! Literally every kind of accessory you could imagine in EVERY color, metal, etc! A great way to be trendy without spending a fortune. Even cute bags, purses, tops... I got tons of stuff and only spent around $70! Everything is pretty reasonably priced! Go get lost girl! Tell me what you get!

Wowza! And here I'm thinking I'll just skip NO because it's perm at PRO... Crap! I gotta get it now. I have held out long enough! BEAUTIFUL!
OMG. Now I really can't wait.

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