Specktra Bestie
Gorgeous as always! I love Spice + SS on you! I'll have to try that. How do you like TD? Do I need it? I'm worried it would be too yellow, but I can't get it out of my mind. How are you liking RS and HJ? Do they show up really well on NC35? TIA!Ok.... I've officially used every AAO lippie I got! Today concluded my test run with all of them as I used Sweet & Sour! THIS one was the one I was MOST worried about. Shellcat told me it would work, so I picked it up and let it sit... Until I played with all the others that I loved so much. Soooo.... the verdict is... I like it. Not as much as the others, but I WILL wear it. It's kind of a cool spin on a nude lippie on me... with just a small splash of peach. I DID pair it with Spice lip liner since I was worried it would be way to pale. But I'll give it a chance again tomorrow on bare lips. Here she is... S&S.