I have to share this here as I know no one in real life who will share my excitement.
So, on Wednesday I went to my local MAC counter to swatch Peaches. I've been debating whether to get it, and I thought perhaps another look would help make up my mind. While I was there, as it was quiet, I had a look through the boxed-up blushes on the shelves for Ambering Rose. At that counter, they never have a tester of Ambering Rose and I'm curious about it: I'm pretty sure it'll be far too dark and warm for my colouring, but the pics I've seen online look simply amazing. Anyway, I couldn't find Ambering Rose, but as I was looking, I saw Immortal Flower on the shelf! It turns out that they have a stash of unsold IF from the last time it was in a collection. I was so surprised to find it that I had to look it up on my phone to check that I hadn't got the names confused. I pretty much bounced around the shop with happiness. Of course, it 'had' to come home with me.

I'm not only pleased because I now have it to play with, but also because it means that I can afford to buy another blush from All About Orange. Yay!
I have nothing like the quad from this collection. I was thinking about getting Temperature Rising from the TR collection, but the more I look at this, the more interesting it gets.