Specktra Bestie
Hello and welcome to Specktra!I am a singer lovely, I have been completely housebound for over 5 years with severe agoraphobia, anxiety and panic attacks, but I still carried on singing and uploaded my videos to youtube, I have appeared on MTV, BBC, and news/tv/radio over the world from my own home, I was also the most viewed video in china with millions of views over night... moral of the story is never stop anything from doing what you love!!
Perhaps you have seen a video or an article about me in the past, maybe you recognise my name from something online.
my singing channel is *
I am glad my swatches were helpful
Much love![]()
* Edited to remove personal link.

P.S. Just a quick reminder that Specktra has a policy of not allowing personal links in your posts, so your post has been amended to remove the link, but please feel free to add a link to your YouTube channel in your signature.