MAC Alluring Aquatic Collection (May 22, 2014)


Well-known member
@HerGreynessI take it a bit further:

Have a short affair with the one you like (aka swatch it at the counter), and get the one that is a perfect match (even if it's not the fancy compact).
Oh MY GOD! I love this analogy...this is one of the best things I have read on here in a long two loves, and men.....


Well-known member
Have there been swatches of the nail polishes yet? I think I want the shimmering sands or whatever it's called.


Well-known member
No problem! I'm trying to narrow down my list, so I went swatch hunting. :D
I think I own that OPI Designer color already, now that you mention it. I'll have to check. Neptune kind of reminds me of Chanel's Peridot so that's a skip. It looks like I'll be passing on the polishes. Thanks for helping me save some money! :clapping:


Well-known member
Just put my order in on Mac (pro) Canada !! Edit: I ordered : Goddess of the sea l/s Mystical l/s Enchanted one l/s Fathoms deep e/s Sea worship e/s Lorelei e/s Bold brunette waterproof brow set PLW concealer nw35 and some blot powder woohoo! Graduation gift to myself :) I just finished a BScn :)


Well-known member
Yeah a few years ago, the movers lost my makeup stash so I only had what was in my every day makeup bag in my purse and some makeup in a travel bag which I found much later! So if you can take your stash with you, please do . My makeup ended up on the truck or not on the truck by accident as it was suppose to be in the what goes in my car boxes.

....OMG, that is horrible!!!! A nightmare

I am so sorry this happened to you, Calla88


Well-known member
enjoy!!!  and sooo jelly right now...I just want to spend my money MAC...please let me...please let me buy more makeup that i don't need, but really want...
I know, right?! That's how I feel. I don't NEED anymore makeup. I have enough to last a lifetime! I just want to make my purchase and be done with this already! At least until the next collection comes along...LOL.


Well-known member
I know, right?! That's how I feel. I don't NEED anymore makeup. I have enough to last a lifetime! I just want to make my purchase and be done with this already! At least until the next collection comes along...LOL.
exactly. I have a life outside of this makeup addiction mac...just let everyone buy this amazing collection, have it all sell out, and then we are all happy....really now....


Well-known member
Yeah,luckily I work early and get off around one so should be good.
I only work a few hours a day right now but I'm still afraid they will put it up while I'm gone. Or that my work will say they need me to stay longer because they are short coverage etc etc

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