MAC Alluring Aquatic Collection (May 22, 2014)


Well-known member
It's raining. 54 and rain. It was in the mid to high 80s over the weekend, but it's been in the mid 50s and rain tuesday, yesterday, and is gonna continue all thru saturday. That's the sucky part about Indiana. You can literally experience all 4 seasons in one week. Sometimes in just a couple days even! Hows your weather?
Omg I wish I had your weather right now, it's so hot over in nor cal (bay area) it's been in the 90's the last two days I'm not good wIth the heat at all ugh it's suppose to cool down to 70-80's that I can deal w


Well-known member
so its 3 am EST .. i know we all have strong feelings this collection won't launch for a while but why the F are we up and not napping .. I'm so tired right now .. we should work on this in shifts .. lets all give each other our numbers half of us go to sleep half stay up and whenever it launches let us know and we all can get something .. i think this will best work out of everyone in EST goes to sleep cause its 3am and everyone PST stay up cause its only 12 am lol and let me know and in 3 hours we switch.


Well-known member
How about Josh Hartnett in halloween h20
I miss old horror movies
Had such a crush on Josh Hartnett back in the day


Well-known member
I have never watched a scream, a nightmare on elm street, a friday the 13th, none of them. I am a scaredy cat


Well-known member
Haha finally I'm not alone! I feel so guilty when I want something just for the packaging. But it really is the whole package! Oh and if you love rose scents, you really need to try Roses de Chloe. It's amazing.

Oh man I love Game of Thrones, obsessed. It was difficult to watch when *she* testified against Tyrion..
Also at first I used to hate Jaime but I'm warming up to him. He grows SO much I think. And I love the friendship/relationship that he developed with Brienne!
I began to like Jaime, and then what he did to Cersie by the coffin ruined his character trajectory, so mad the show did that

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