MAC Alluring Aquatic Collection (May 22, 2014)


Well-known member
It went live just as I got on the second train lol. Thankfully it's less than a 10 minute ride. Got everything I wanted with free overnight :)


Well-known member
@Mac-Guy could you recommend a blush for me.. i'm NC15-20 and I can't really see the colors well on the screen as my computer sucks. SaS looks orange and SMHM looks brown on my screen... I have always gone with your recommendations and they have always been dead on right so my blush fate is in your hands
Either one is fine. SaS is a little warmer, but it still works on my pale NW skin, so you being NC15-20, it will be absolutely gorgeous on NC skin. SMHM will work too, but it is a bit more generic colorwise. I do love both blushes though and if I had to decide between the two of them, I'd go with SaS (especially as you are NC).


Well-known member
Got what I wanted(well most)... Now waiting for swatches from all you beautiful ladies to see if I should get the rest of my list from Nordies.


Well-known member
I didn't lose sleep but hopefully if you did you can hop on into bed knowing your goodies will be on their way soon.

Ana A

Well-known member
Got a "timeout" message 3 times but was able to order either way...I wonder how long the products will last in stock if the site is already crashing

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