MAC Alluring Aquatic Collection (May 22, 2014)


Well-known member
I had mystical and enchanted one in my cart, went to check out and they were sold out! I stalked almost all night, too, but fell asleep around 6, checked again at 7:30, went back to bed. I'm so mad! I did get everything else I wanted and free overnight shipping so I guess I didn't do too badly.


Well-known member
At least I got the e/s I wanted, but I'll literally be standing at the store's door before it opens on the 22nd... I want my damn lipstick!! lol


Well-known member
i just placed my order but without legendary lure and seduced at sea..ill just get them in store next week. me too so i just placed my order and will have to place another one once it launches. if not, ill just go to the store. i was paranoid the other shadows would start to go so i just placed it
Oh yea, I put my order through about 2 mins after it launched. But I'm still refreshing for LL! And now I am regretting not getting Mystical


Well-known member
I purchased Sea Me, Hear Me blush...I didn't trust AS or Delphic to show on my skin. I didn't particularly care for the other blush.
i got SMHM too. I wanted to get delphic but im going to wait for it to come out in stores. I dont trust bronzers at all.


Well-known member
Got Aphrodite's shell online! Only thing I wanted to score online this time round. Now to get Sea me hear me PMP Delphic gotS And Lorelei in stores! It launched at 10 am EST. Mystical and EO went FAST


Well-known member
Wow dozed off for less than 10 minutes and I almost missed it haha. Well since Mystical was sold out that helped me pick which lipstick I wanted and than since Legendary Lure wasn't available either that helped as well. SO got GoTS and Lorelei because I feel I have a color like sea worship. Hope everyone got what they wanted or at least most.

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