MAC Alluring Aquatic Collection (May 22, 2014)


Well-known member
I always stalk even though I have this love hate relationship with Mac now but I have to say...but this is fun counting down the sold out stuff. Next up goddess of the sea. Officially sold out..
Watching what sells out is part of my stalking wind down process lol as long as I didn't miss out on anything it's weirdly cathartic!


Well-known member
Unbelievable! I fell asleep and missed it! I woke up, phone wouldn't work, ran in here to computer, and the stupid site wouldn't let me log in. Finally did, and then it removed it from cart,

I am ready to scream.
Nordstrom is the 19th! No fret!!


Well-known member
Unbelievable! I fell asleep and missed it! I woke up, phone wouldn't work, ran in here to computer, and the stupid site wouldn't let me log in. Finally did, and then it removed it from cart,

I am ready to scream.
Oh no! :-( Hopefully you have a chance to go to a store.


Well-known member
god damn I'm so mad! I got to work rushed and saw it was up, saw it wasn't sold out. Rushed to put my info in, press submit.."goddess of the sea has sold out and has been removed from your cart" damnit!!!
Guess it's in store for me....


Well-known member
Watching what sells out is part of my stalking wind down process lol as long as I didn't miss out on anything it's weirdly cathartic!
I know right, makes me feel very strange lol The compacts are still available. that's odd since that was the most coveted piece of packaging. maybe those are next?


Well-known member
319 guests, the vultures are making note of how quick it sold out to help them determine how much gouging they will do on their I got it a the pro dicount but you will pay $80 to have it scheme.


Well-known member
Well everything but Golden sold out while in my cart. booo

So I only got Golden and 2 now permanent lipstick from the all About Orange Collection (which that collection sold out online before the launch at 9am est). If you don't want to sell me items MAC that fine by me.

I don't have a close MAC counter so that it for this collection. MAC I very Concentrated ARound toronto but I's not worth the 2 hour trip for me. The next closet is 1 hour trip to a counter (by the counter get raged by the first day. lol)

Canada sold out list (basically the items I wanted because I'm fair!)


Well-known member
I was going to post the same thing :)
Seriously, I don't think it is so much about WHEN a collection will launch (they can do this by simply refreshing the site), but it's about what will sell well, what products are coveted, and which ones are CCO material. It's a like a business plan developing right in front of their eyes.


Well-known member
For the ladies who stayed up all night get some sleep. I got some sleep last night but I slept on the couch and now my neck is soo stiff and I can't turn my head. I need a massage at lunchtime .


Well-known member
@Mac-Guy could you recommend a blush for me.. i'm NC15-20 and I can't really see the colors well on the screen as my computer sucks. SaS looks orange and SMHM looks brown on my screen... I have always gone with your recommendations and they have always been dead on right so my blush fate is in your hands

Either one is fine. SaS is a little warmer, but it still works on my pale NW skin, so you being NC15-20, it will be absolutely gorgeous on NC skin. SMHM will work too, but it is a bit more generic colorwise. I do love both blushes though and if I had to decide between the two of them, I'd go with SaS (especially as you are NC).
thank you again so much, I know I'll love it!! i'm tempted for both now haha but I will keep my limit of just one.

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