MAC Alluring Aquatic Collection (May 22, 2014)


Well-known member
I've gotten packages before with the website still saying Pending and no shipping email, don't worry ladies! Happens to me a lot with Nordstrom actually because they ship items ultra fast! Sometimes I'll get the shipping email the day the things arrive or even the day after


Well-known member
in unrelated news: my toofie fell out again at lunch.. lol


updated: i was so upset I spelled luch instead of lunch. At least I did not swallow it.. lol


Well-known member
They are so big, my little one just had dress rehearsal for her dance recital! can you believe it?!
Oh my, that went by way to fast. I can't believe the baby is that old already
I bet she looked adorable. Does she love being in her outfit?
she does! I don't remember how to add pics in here but I'll try ...


Well-known member
I hate waiting on a shipping email, but I hate waiting on the UPS guy even more. Sometimes I just want to track him down and get my package because he comes so late all the time now.


Well-known member
My list:

Siren Song
Mystical (idk why I all of a sudden felt the need to go back and get it, then it sold out less than 10 min later)

Peachstock (for kiddo)

All ESexcept for Fathoms Deep (LL in the last hour when I got home and it was up)

Both Blushes
Both Brushes
Golden (for the Compact and I do not have Golden, praying it does not create jaundice)


Well-known member
Thanks everyone for The words of encouragement. I know I'll find something. It's New York. If anything I'll wear a hot pink dress and make it a "thing". On other news: my order shipped !


Well-known member
For the Canadians out there.. Monday is Victoria Day so I think Fed Ex is closed.. which means if you didn't put your order in before the cutoff today it will be there Wednesday.. I think that's right? Anyone know?
I totally forgot. I guess your right. I won't get mine till then since I did not get a shipping confirmation email yet. No big deal.


Well-known member
Omg mine shipped!!!! I can't believe I may get it tomorrow (according to fedex tracking) I have never gotten express shipping before!!! :star:


Well-known member
My list:

Siren Song
Mystical (idk why I all of a sudden felt the need to go back and get it, then it sold out less than 10 min later)

Peachstock (for kiddo)

All ESexcept for Fathoms Deep (LL in the last hour when I got home and it was up)

Both Blushes
Both Brushes
Golden (for the Compact and I do not have Golden, praying it does not create jaundice)
Great haul !!