Hi all

new member here! Been reading this thread since last week before the launch and finally decided to join! The first online launch I stayed up checking my phone all night, and ended up being on the wrong page of the mac site the whole time

so I missed everything I wanted except for silver sun eyeshadow

so last night I stayed up until about 1 am and had an alarm set for every hour! I woke up at three AM refreshed my Nordstrom page and it was up!!! My sleepiness suddenly faded and my heart started racing! I ordered two goddess of the sea lipsticks, mystical and aphrodites shell bronzer. I've never tried a mac bronzer I figured this was the perfect one to try

I was tempted to order more but I checked out as fast as I could in fear of things selling out again! I went back and ordered enchanted one lipstick a little later on. I think I ordered more than I would have normally due to my zombie like state! I placed my orders a little after 3 am and didn't pass back out until 6! My daughter decided to wake up at 830 yelling mommy so I have been drinking coffee all day. I keep thinking those lip glosses are so pretty!!! Is it worth that sticky feeling though??!! I have to talk ALOT at work. Almost consistently so I don't necessarily like the feeling of my lips sticking together. Only mac gloss I've tried is the dazzle glass and I hate the feel of it. Is it similar? Can someone describe the texture? I also keep thinking about pet me please lipstick and it looks so gorgeous in some swatches and just meh in others. I really need to save for the osbournes because the lipsticks are going to take all of my money!