MAC Alluring Aquatic Collection (May 22, 2014)


Well-known member
So beautiful! You have such a glow!

Thank you ladies


Well-known member
Golden bronzer is pretty much nonexistent on me at the moment. I think if I were at my lightest it would show up a bit. For no, it's just barelyyyy noticeable.

I've worn lorelei everyday since receiving it...


Well-known member
Me too :( I don't like to think about it. And I have to get fillings Friday :(
I'm somewhat ok with getting fillings, tho i stiffen my entire body and raise myself clear off the chair. So much so that my entire body aches the following day. But last month i had to get 2 crowns. I freaked myself out, started crying a few times the night before and the morning of the first one, and needed the happy gas for both of em. I don't do well when it comes to teeth.
:kiss:  aww..  I had a dream that I was making out with this gorgeous hunk of a man ..not in a kilt.. but just really really good looking.  and the toof came out and went in his mouth and he started to choke.. lmao I woke up sweating.. ha:haha: what a great idea about the scotch tape:cheers:


Well-known member
I'm somewhat ok with getting fillings, tho i stiffen my entire body and raise myself clear off the chair. So much so that my entire body aches the following day. But last month i had to get 2 crowns. I freaked myself out, started crying a few times the night before and the morning of the first one, and needed the happy gas for both of em. I don't do well when it comes to teeth. :roflmao:
I just went in for a root canal and found out my tooth is split. So it has to be pulled and an implant has to be placed. I'm so scared/pissed. So expensive. Dammit.


Well-known member
Just came back from the MAC store at Kings Plaza. UGH!!!! I ended up loving Siren Song and liking Pet me Please but LOVING it paired up with Clear water. I already ordered Mystical, Enchanted One and GotS but wanted to swatch the last two lippies in store and I want them now. I did leave the store with all the eyeshadows and Seduse me Please. SMHM looks great and I am contemplating going back for it.... I got hooked into the last few collections when I said that I wouldn't. MAC just keeps me hypnotized with these freakin' collections. I need rehab.

Edit: And the MUA showed me fathoms deep paired with shadowy lady and plumage with I believe sea worship...b.e.a.u.t.i.f.u.l.
Love the girls at KOP. They go above and beyond there!!!

Quote: Originally Posted by erine1881

Boldly Bare, Subculture, Stripdown, Staunchly Stylish, Etcetera, Dervish...
Great suggestion. LOVE BB!


Well-known member
I lurve it.
Me too!
I was looking forward to going in store tomorrow to pick up a few other things from this collection, but now I won't be able to until this weekend. My mom broke her arm and the bone is crushed, so she has to have surgery to fix it. I will probably just help take care of her and be happy with my AS that I ordered online since most things will be sold out by the time I can make it to my counter. Oh well, family is much more important and my wallet could use a break anyways. 
Sorry about mom! That sucks.
I love the sun, just because we see so little of it here. But I don't like heat, nothing above 73ish. And I HATE humidity. I can't stand feeling all hot and sticky. I could deal with it before I lived in SoCal , but once I experienced living without it I changed. Can't deal with it now. I do understand why some people hate the sun, though. It gets boring when it's sunny every single day. I used to wish for a rainy day sometimes when I lived in SoCal.
I looooooove the sun. And summer. It's the Leo in me.
:kiss:  aww..  I had a dream that I was making out with this gorgeous hunk of a man ..not in a kilt.. but just really really good looking.  and the toof came out and went in his mouth and he started to choke.. lmao I woke up sweating.. ha:haha: what a great idea about the scotch tape:cheers:

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