MAC Alluring Aquatic Collection (May 22, 2014)


Well-known member
I loved it there, so rainy and gloomy lol
I lived in london and darlo, bloxwich and a few other places to hastings aswell lol
I kinda moved all over.
Wow you have really have lived all over. I've lived in Manchester my whole life and uni is only two hours away from home so I haven't really explored the UK.


Well-known member
Okay, change of plans.  Since everything is selling out so fast, I'm going to try to go on my lunch break.  I have PMP, GotS, and Mystical.  What else do I need?  Aprodite's Shell? Lorelei?  Siren Song?  I don't know.  Silver Sun looks pretty, too.  Gah
Lorelei & Silver Sun are fantastic! Id recommend both, especially Lorelei.


Well-known member
Hey check again! I just logged in and my first order from them actually shipped!! YAY!!

That has my BU of AS, FD, and SW. Woot!! Fingers crossed for you too. I have one more that I hope ships from them. It is for EO.
Mine still says processing but I'm ok if it doesn't come. It just means I will have more $$ for Kelly and Sharon


Well-known member
Just getting back from Nordies! Had a blast hauling and chatting with Dilligaf. Nice meeting you darling. I also got a few extra eyeshadows for anyone who may have missed out! Mascara special buy 2 get 1 free and double points at Nordies today


Well-known member
hmmm I should have written that I tried the studio fix powder. I think i might be in the middle like you. i can't mix the powders but I wouldn't go through all that trouble you do. wow. that's a lot of work.
When sephora, chanel, or Dior people match me i'm always in between 2 shades. there is never a perfect match and I only would use the powder so I can't mix them. It's probably why I don't bother with foundation to begin with. I tried to be matched with Urban Decay too. they said I was a 2.0 in the naked skin but it didn't match up the same with the powder version. I also tried the Sephora camera thingy but that didn't work at all. the shades it picked were all over the place. There must be an easier solution for you. I wouldn't have the patience for 4 different products :(
U know what would be awesome? If there was a cosmetic company that would custom make foundation colors for you! Like when u go to a paint store and show them a color u want they mix it for u. why isnt that a real thing? Like the Lip Bar but for foundations!!! I swear i wish i was rich i would so make that happen. I hear this all the time that u ladies have a hard time finding a match.
that would be! Unfortunately it's just called a MUA and they are expensive to have daily haha It seriously would be amazing.

Dolly Snow

Wow you have really have lived all over. I've lived in Manchester my whole life and uni is only two hours away from home so I haven't really explored the UK. 
It's beautiful you should explore the uk! I moved out of the US and moved out out there with my best friend and we hated staying in one place lol.


Well-known member

I have done it too.. now they know better. Don't mess with the loony in the yellow house

I ran down the street waving my arms and yelling you have my package lol
They didn't turn back lol I checked the tracking info it wasn't coming via UPS lol it was fedex hahahahahahaha
hahaha that's super funny.


Well-known member
Thanks for you suggestions, everyone! It's probably gonna be more like, "What do you still have in stock? Okay, I guess I'll get that." LOL


Well-known member
i got it and its just the right shade for our NC30 skin. not too much not too little just right.
Really I didn't get it cause I thought for sure it was going to be too light for my skin so I got Delphic instead. Do you use it as a all over bronzer? or just apply in specific areas?

Dolly Snow

i'm reading posts all out of order.. did you get your stuff? how many were waiting with there with you?
I am still here lol its 8:30 and no one still lol And well updated status Idk whats going says they dont have it...but nordies assures me it is coming monday now! :crybaby:

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