MAC Alluring Aquatic Collection (May 22, 2014)


Well-known member
YES GIRLS YES Refined Golden Pet Me, Please Siren Song Enchanted One Seduced at Sea Clear Water Seducing Sound Water Deities Modern Lure
Homegirl hooked me up with some makeup gift bags too.
Great haul!! Those makeup bags look cute!!
My favorite FedEx guy just showed up with my goodies....Siron Song is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO frickin beautiful!!


Well-known member
I managed to get Siren Song, Enchanted One, Lorelei, and Aphrodite's Shell. I didn't think I wanted Enchanted One but it turned out to be different enough from Honeylove and Kinda Sexy for me to get it. I managed to get a lot more than I thought I would. I'm especially disappointed about them being out of Silver Sun, though.


Well-known member
By the end I was screaming at her for getting 2 PMP just to return. SMDH. That is costing MAC $ just to promote her channel and to swatch. She could have done that and not wasted $200 in product that others would love at a counter. FOR FREE!!!! GRRRR.
Exactly! I was shaking my head the whole video, and I dont know what in her mind persuaded her to get golden bronzer
Its a bit irritating how some gurus aren't very knowledgeable about the products they use and talk about now and days. Just a waste of money and product


Well-known member
I'm really happy with everything I managed to get. If I didn't just happen to be working out of town today which made me 10 minutes from a Mac counter, I wouldn't have been able to get anything beyond what I got in my initial online haul. PS... wearing Mystical with Half Red lip pencil today!


Well-known member
I'm really happy with everything I managed to get. If I didn't just happen to be working out of town today which made me 10 minutes from a Mac counter, I wouldn't have been able to get anything beyond what I got in my initial online haul. PS... wearing Mystical with Half Red lip pencil today!
lol love this. Enjoy!


Well-known member
Wore AS and ED today. Please excuse my terrible brows my boyfriend was rushing me out so we could go eat lunch. Not a great makeup day but I love EO. Also, a sea worship and a LL fell in my shopping bag this morning. Whoops!


Well-known member
you ever pick out your perfume? :)
Wore AS and ED today. Please excuse my terrible brows my boyfriend was rushing me out so we could go eat lunch. Not a great makeup day but I love EO. Also, a sea worship and a LL fell in my shopping bag this morning. Whoops!


Well-known member
Kinda sad I couldn't get Fathoms Deep :( So many department stores in NYC, but so far every store is sold out of FD... ahhh!! At least I got my lipsticks :(


Well-known member
I'm really happy with everything I managed to get. If I didn't just happen to be working out of town today which made me 10 minutes from a Mac counter, I wouldn't have been able to get anything beyond what I got in my initial online haul. PS... wearing Mystical with Half Red lip pencil today!
Lovely!! You look so happy in your photo


Well-known member
Kinda sad I couldn't get Fathoms Deep :( So many department stores in NYC, but so far every store is sold out of FD... ahhh!! At least I got my lipsticks :(
One of the eye shadow currently has "coming soon" under it. So I think MAC is restocking online in the near future. They restocked most of Playland already.


Well-known member
Just got back from the mall and for whatever reason, they did not get many eyeshadows. I arrived at 10:10 am and the MA was like "let me see if we still have all the eyeshadows... I think we sold out of some already." WHAT??? I was only able to purchase 2 eyeshadows from Macy's, but got all the other AS items I wanted. Hauled @ss to Bloomies and same deal there. I got the LAST of the four eyeshadows Macy's was sold out of. Anywho, here's my haul:

Sea Worship E/S
Soul Serenade E/S
Fathom's Deep E/S
Lorelei E/S
Legendary Lure E/S
Silver Sun E/S
Sea Me, Hear Me Blush
Seduced at Sea Blush
Seducing Sound L/G
Modern Lure L/G
Goddess of the Sea L/S
Mystical L/S

Thanks to all who posted swatches. IG pics, and blog links. In the end, I tore up my list and went in with an open mind (and wallet). My wallet is yelping, but at least I don't have to worry about catching a restock online. Off to play with my goodies!

Beautiful haul girl!
Homegirl hooked me up with some makeup gift bags too.
Lovingggggggggggg that makeup bag super cute
Quote: Originally Posted by breatheonbeat

you ever pick out your perfume?
Yessssss I did! I got...Spice Bomb! lol I'm probably going to go back and get a Dior one that smelled so freaking good too. It was so hard to decide!

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