MAC Alluring Aquatic Collection (May 22, 2014)


Well-known member
Never! It's messes up the entire structure of the face, and counteracts what one's trying to do in the first place-to sculpt.
That really helps a lot @erine1881 thanks for the photo you are a awesome chick


Well-known member
That really helps a lot @erine1881  thanks for the photo  you are a awesome chick :clapping:
No problem. I like how it shows the darker colour for the E3 which is where you want most of the bronzer application. For each stroke of the E3 I'll tap my brush into the bronzer, no rubbing, just a tap. Then the lighter colour is where you apply whatever is left on the brush, without dipping back into the bronzer.

Pretty Honeybee

Well-known member
EO+Seducing Sound = pure sexiness.
Yes it is... That combo is a beauty.
Excuse the hair, it's 90-something and windy outside, so it was going all sorts of different directions and into my lipgloss. This is LL with Delphic in the crease, Delphic and I believe Luminoso from Milani on the cheeks, EO with WD on top. Oh yeah, BB brow set to calm my "we need to be waxed" eyebrows.
You look great!
I'm sitting here staring at my lovelies and I'm debating whether to throw away the boxes or not. I feel like when I keep the boxes, I'm hoarding lol. Mom looks at me and is like "You're worried about hoarding a lipstick box when you have a huge container of lipsticks already???" LOL! needless to say, I'm keeping the packaging. For the lipstick at least, maybe not for the liner.
Keep them! Their to pretty to throw away...lolll
She definitely gets it, a shame she doesn't post here anymore.
Hey Chelle!! :D
:) thanks ladies! I'm really excited for my new goodies. I can't wait to play with them tonight when I go out :party: I'm running around with no makeup on. Am I the only one who hates having to do their makeup twice? Lol Gorgeous! That does make such a pretty highlight! :agree: I wish boyfriend stealer looked like that as well. gOTS is very pretty on you! :eyelove: you're gorgeous!! :eyelove: looks great! Love your sunglasses! Damnit I should've bought siren song. So pretty! Lol thanks for enabling!!! I might have To go back for it... If I can find it. It barely showed up on my hand swatch so I was like ehh no. And the tube was so used and abused from the ladies in there swatching, there was no way that was going on my lips. Why didn't you get AS? I think I will use it as a blush lol :hot: is there anything you don't look good in woman?!
blushing.... Thanks so much Jenn!


Well-known member
Never! It's messes up the entire structure of the face, and counteracts what one's trying to do in the first place-to sculpt.
I don't understand why anyone argues this. Contours should not be warm. Period. I mean, I understand the appeal of getting one product to do two things, but I don't think it works in this case. Bronzer is bronzer. Contour is contour. I do my bronzer placement slightly differently from this, especially in my forehead area (usually adding a touch more to the top hairline than to to the temples) but that is just because I have a tall, narrow forehead and it works out a little better for me because I don't generally like to put a lot of contour up there, but for most people, this is perfect.

Pretty Honeybee

Well-known member
No problem. I like how it shows the darker colour for the E3 which is where you want most of the bronzer application. For each stroke of the E3 I'll tap my brush into the bronzer, no rubbing, just a tap. Then the lighter colour is where you apply whatever is left on the brush, without dipping back into the bronzer.
You know your the head teacher! Lol. You really give great advice. :)
Top: SMHM Middle:SASea Last:AS 2nd photo is L Lure and EO! LOOOVE! :eyelove:
Great swatches!
Just was leaving the house and to my surprise my Silver sun Water deities Lorelei x2 Black line Were out in my mail box woo!! Now if all my other stuff would show up early as well
Yayyyy! Enjoy!
Okay, so my Nordies package actually came yesterday but I was so exhausted when I came home that I didn't even open the box. :shocked: I will try to post swatches in the swatch thread once part two of my haul comes with the Eyeshadows (thanks again Debbs).
Off to play... :yaay:
I'm happy for you!
I am seriously in LOVE with Siren Song. It is so beautiful. I'm so glad I bought it.
really beautiful on you :eyelove:


Well-known member
Ladies I just did something unprecedented, even during Venomous Villains. I just ordered Shimmerfish, completely my purchase of the nail lacquer trifecta from this collection. The last MAC polish I bought was the blue one from WW. I'm really excited for these. Plus the names totally got me.


Well-known member
Oh, it’s The Fancy Face! I've never seen one of her videos, she's so bubbly. Is that a Jamaican accent I'm hearing? Sweet.
I love when she switches to her accent :lol:
Yup. No bronzer works as a contour. It doesn't. I'll say it til i die. And people can argue with me about it and they'll be wrong. Contours are grey. Bronzers are warm. The definition and colour is in the name of the product alone. End of story. I know she already answered, but this is the proper bronzer placement, if a picture helps. I posted it earlier in this thread. It's an E3 placement (temples, cheekbones, jawline), then using what's left on your brush, hit the center of your forehead, nose and chin.
Never! It's messes up the entire structure of the face, and counteracts what one's trying to do in the first place-to sculpt.
Erin, if we're supposed to add the bronzer to our cheekbones, where do we place the blush? Or is wearing blush with a bronzer overkill? Sorry if you answered this already but this thread is moving fast.


Well-known member
About using bronzer as I contour ..I went into mac store and the mua I wanted a product for contour and he suggested msfn in deep dark (yikes I know right!!) but much to my amazement it looked friggin fantastic he popped it on me and voila it was so natural looking I will never use anything else needless to say I snapped it up ..never gone a day with out it *i do sometimes place a little round my hairline down nose and jaw blend it's flawless.btw c4 in summer c3 winter.Sorry for the long comment ladies!!im looking forward to getting refined golden for that beachy look for the summer and a/s as I blusher/pop


Well-known member
Additionally I bought AS, Delphic, LL, FD, SS, SW EDES. Then GotS, SS and SMHM. Oops and just ordered Water Deities even though I never wear LG. I just fell so hard for the quality of this collection and finally made a serious connection at my local Macy's to have a standing send and ship order for LE collections. Thank goodness I live in a place not too many folks aspire to reside in!


Well-known member
Never! It's messes up the entire structure of the face, and counteracts what one's trying to do in the first place-to sculpt.
Thanks for posting this. When I think of Bronzer, I think of the high points of your face.. the places where a sun would warm up your skin naturally. One of the MUA youtube ladies I subscribe too always uses hoola bronzer as a contour and a bronzer. Drives me nuts.

While we are talking about contour, what do you use for your contour? I have been using MAC's sculpting cream in pure sculpture but I feel like it's a bit too warm. My worry is getting something that is much to dark for my skin tone.


Well-known member
Ladies I just did something unprecedented, even during Venomous Villains. I just ordered Shimmerfish, completely my purchase of the nail lacquer trifecta from this collection. The last MAC polish I bought was the blue one from WW. I'm really excited for these. Plus the names totally got me.
You're not alone. I bought SF's another sickness I have. Nail Polish.

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