
I spritz my face with rose water before applying oil, usually rosehip oil (the brands I use are mostly from Germany, Switzerland, etc) Sometimes I use pure sheabutter as well, on dry areas or all over. I'm allergic to most creams I've tried - and that were a lot - but one brand my skin likes is 100% Pure (
100% Pure | Der Onlineshop der Kult-Naturkosmetik aus Kalifornien). I'm currently using their Coffee Cherry Sun Damage Corrective Cream additonal to the oil, and my favorite eye cream is their Coffee Bean one.
The most important step in getting my dryness under control was making sure there's no alcohol in the products I use. For cleansing I use a balm with very basic ingredients (Sheabutter Cleanser from Martina Gebhardt) and for exfoliating the 100% Pure Pineapple Enzyme Mask powder which I mix with joghurt. At first I thought I thought it was a little gross to put joghurt on my face, but it really calms down my skin, and it works better than just mixing it with water. Plus, the mask is a lot more gentle than a mechanical scrub (which I still have to use once in a while, it's the Brightening Scrub&Mask from the same brand).
There are so many different kinds of oils and floral waters out there, you should experiment and try to find out what works for you
I have never understood why alcohol is used all over especially in natural cosmetics. I know it's for preservation, but it's just counterproductive.