MAC Alluring Aquatic Collection (May 22, 2014)

Ah I still don't know what I'm getting from this collex... Besides EO I have nothing else.. I hope I won't be tempted by the puuuurty packaging and get some other ish! I'm also so nervous I won't be able to snag EO


Well-known member

Dolly Snow

I love the fact that people have to literally read pages and pages of all our bullcrp until they find a piece of valuable information. And then it's swatch day for a few days. And then more pages of crap. Hahahaha. Read on!
Well lol if they want to stalk they need to read lol or they will miss it all. Matter of fact when we post that it has went live...make sure everyone adds in a bunch of bullcrap :crazy: like SOUP!


Well-known member
I know!! I just bought me and the husband tickets to the Austin City Limits Music Fest for OCTOBER...those were hella expensive, but I don't care...I'm gonna see Pearl Jam!! WOOT!!
Sounds like fun! Cochella isn't until April 2015!! But the tickets go up! And their 750 for the two of us! :shock: it's my first time going


Well-known member
Quote:Originally Posted by mosha010

@naynadine you're like the sweetest ever. <<<>>>>

Haha, I love me some Mosha too, plus raccoons :)

Quote:Originally Posted by HerGreyness
darling, it took me one month to overcome my anxiety. I spoke little English in a US college.. I could write but was afraid of speaking.

I think it takes a bit of will power and loosening up with an EFFEM attitude..

you will be just fine



And now I want some lentil soup.
You le my fav shy coonie.


Well-known member
Sounds like fun! Cochella isn't until April 2015!! But the tickets go up! And their 750 for the two of us!
it's my first time going
I know the feeling, my boyfriend and I are saving to buy tickets to Ultra in Miami next year and I want vip tickets, so we need to have the money soon. I hate saving for something that is almost a year away.

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