MAC and Iris Aphel Discussion


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My birthday suit, of course.

I was naughty and ordered Party Parrot last night along with Aurora pigment. I blame the funny prescription cough syrup I took before placing said order.
You can't be sippin on the sizzurup, ordering makeup; but gosh darnit, ain't it fun.

I love these lippies. I am so glad that Pink Pigeon doesn't match CYY(neon) or PetalnPeacock (way purple on me) and that I didn't go off pictures. PP is bangin on my lips, seriously, one the best hot pinks that I have I adore and cherish Gladiola and PetalPeacocks.

Flamingo pulls way pink on my lips but I am going to order It's a Wow l/g to make it more coral pink.

Scarlet Iris is good too. It kinda of reminds me of Revlon Coral l/s on me but the finish is what makes it awesome.

So glad I splurged on this collection when I was going to skip. My inner diva was right on this one.


Well-known member
I plan on wearing my bright lippies to school. My kids will love me teaching them about rocks and minerals with electric lips.


Well-known member
Hey, the flu and cough syrup have been responsible for some of my best purchases. *fondles Mothbrown eyeshadow*
The dentist and Vicodin did me in 2010. I had boxes coming from everywhere.

Last night, I ordered Naked 2 cuz I convinced myself I could use it to go with these bright lips, not like I don't have a million other neutrals I could use, but u know.


Well-known member
The dentist and Vicodin did me in 2010. I had boxes coming from everywhere.
Last night, I ordered Naked 2 cuz I convinced myself I could use it to go with these bright lips, not like I don't have a million other neutrals I could use, but u know.



Well-known member
I've had Pink Pigeon on for a few hours now, and even ate supper, had a coffee, and a couple of ciggies (bad, I know) and there's still some colour hanging on! The formula on this is so much nicer than other mattes that I have tried (such as Candy Yum Yum), which dry out my lips terribly. It's matte, and it's not rubbing off, but my lips aren't dry! I have naturally dry lips anyway (mattenes kill me!). I am very happy with my purchase.

I would have loved to grab all the colours, but life is changing drastically for me, so I won't have any time for makeup at all, except for a weekend here and there. Therefore, I've put myself on a low buy, and will only get something if I truly love it.


Well-known member
The dentist and Vicodin did me in 2010. I had boxes coming from everywhere.
Last night, I ordered Naked 2 cuz I convinced myself I could use it to go with these bright lips, not like I don't have a million other neutrals I could use, but u know.

Oh yes Naked 2 is sooo unique...*blatantly ignores 2 palettes of matte neutrals and one palette of shimmering neutrals* it completely is worth it and I plan to get it as soon as it hits sephora shelves!


Well-known member
I wore Pink Pigeon to CVS today. I matched the Always Ultra Thin with Flex-Wings packaging. Love it. 
I'm going to be wearing a bright lippie to the bathroom in a minute cause this just made me laugh so hard I think I peed my pants! Too funny!!!!


Well-known member
The dentist and Vicodin did me in 2010. I had boxes coming from everywhere.
Last night, I ordered Naked 2 cuz I convinced myself I could use it to go with these bright lips, not like I don't have a million other neutrals I could use, but u know.
I hear you. I practically ordered the entire Barbie collection online after a root canal.
Also, one can never have too many neutrals. period.


Well-known member
I picked up Flamingo today with B2M. I wish I had stayed off this board, because if I had gone into the store "blind," I would've realized that Flamingo is not for me, and would've passed. But, thanks to this lovely thread, I got Flamingo and Party Parrot. Flamingo is way too similar to both Jazzed and Ever Hip. It's not pink enough for what I was hoping for. I'm still wondering if Fresh Salmon is what I really want, but I don't have it.

As for Party Parrot - I find Fusion Pink bright enough, so I don't think I'll be holding on to this one. It looks gorgeous in the tube, but I should listen to my head trying to reason with me :)

Here are my swatches. Unfortunately these are in artificial light, I have no idea when I would be able to do some pics in daylight.



Well-known member
My Iris Apfel haul arrived! Here are swatches of the lipsticks. I'm working on a blog post for sometime this weekend that shows comparisons to colors I have.

While not a huge color payoff, I love Flamingo so much more than Ever Hip. EH seemed to be on the chalky side while Flamingo is like 'my lips but better'. Party Parrot is pretty but wow, Pink Pigeon I am in total love with!

And yep, Pink Pigeon is very close to Anime and Pretty Boy OCC lip tars. I've got comparison swatches and will post them to my blog over the weekend.


Well-known member
Quote: Originally Posted by EngineerBarbie
And yep, Pink Pigeon is very close to Anime and Pretty Boy OCC lip tars. I've got comparison swatches and will post them to my blog over the weekend.

Good to know!!


Well-known member
So sad everything at my mac counter is sold out.. I thought I could go in tomorrow since I got out of work late today but I called and they have nothing :( ..Does anyone know if this was only available at mac free standing stores because I don't see it on nordstroms macys or bloomingdale's website :((


Well-known member
I know that a friend of mine was told its only at free standing MAC stores. She was the first in line this morning, and she took the only 3 "Flamingo" lipsticks they had. They only had 3 at opening! Seems to be very very limited.


Well-known member
I know that a friend of mine was told its only at free standing MAC stores. She was the first in line this morning, and she took the only 3 "Flamingo" lipsticks they had. They only had 3 at opening! Seems to be very very limited.

My FS store also got only three Flamingos...