MAC Baking Beauties Collection (April 2013)


Well-known member
Ugggh wtf. I woke to check Nordi3s site and LW is already sold out? When was the collection on site? I felt terrible yesterday & passed out. Guess ill wait in stores then xP. Better anyway


Well-known member
I think it went up around 2am bc when I woke up at 4am to check to see if it was up, I came on here and saw that Nordies had put it up & that post was written 2 hours earlier so I hopped on the site but you had to search for it by name bc the collection itself wasnt visible
Darn I was still dreaming of makeup at 2 am ZZzzz HaHaa


Well-known member
Exactly what I was thinking! They only do free shipping over $50... Shoot "ain't nobody got time for that" lmbo
vlol exactly. Only for huge collections like Archies did I spend over $50. But to lippys I havent even tried on? Yea right! Lol
[COLOR=CC99FF]Yep, sad that they overcharge so much for shipping.  That is why I rarely buy anything online that isn't from MAC or Nordies.  And usually the places that over charge will offer free shipping if you spend like $200...seriously??[/COLOR]
totally agree girl! $200 on what? I ONLY buy makeup lol & hair stuff but NOT from Macys. Lol smh. Rip off, I bet it doesn't even cost that much.
I missed it too :'( Boooo lol
me three! I just woke up right now. Grrr. I dont think ill be getting any lippys causw I want to see them. I wish collections came out Monday...


Well-known member
Darn I was still dreaming of makeup at 2 am ZZzzz HaHaa
Haha I couldn't sleep last night at all. I was waking up checking that site and checking on here all night.. All day actually. I stayed home all day yesterday just so I could refresh that darn


Well-known member
WE HAVE IT SO BAD WITH ALL THIS MAKEUP OBSESSION!!!! HaHaa it's messing up my work flow! I almost poked this ladies eye doing her liner Lmao HaHaa And for me, the stalking continues TUN TUN TUNNNN lol


Well-known member
my lavender whip and raspberry swirl comes today woohoo!! Finally.

Miss Dynamite

Well-known member
me three! I just woke up right now. Grrr. I dont think ill be getting any lippys causw I want to see them. I wish collections came out Monday...
Usually it's like $3 - $5 to ship something, depending on weight, but when other places ship for free, how do they think they can get away with charging $10??


Well-known member
im such a hoarder! after my gigantic sephora haul, im still tempted by more stuff from dis collection! i need to save for the return of marilyn monroe! ( i dun even use makeup everyday!)


Well-known member
I totally forgot to stalk Nordstrom because it's been a stressful morning. I may just go to the store on Thursday if I can. Otherwise I'm over stalking and want to save my time, money and energy for the summer collections.


Well-known member
I got my Lavender Whip, Raspberry Swirl and my Eclair paint pot this morning, love UPS! Smallest haul in a long time but I'm eying Mooncake on Nordies is a type this message!. Decisions , decisions what is a make up junkie to do!


Well-known member
I just got my raspberry swirl and pure decoration in the mail! I couldn't wait to swatch it! So here it is. I took the picture with my iPhone 5
They are both so beautiful & they smell like vanilla cake. I want to eat them! Lol


Well-known member
did you just get LW and RS or did you get other things??

besides all of the rihanna collections i think this will be it between mac and I this year. too much stress stalking and yada yada.. i hope all of you ladies got what you wanted. I only ordered 1 lavender whip and 1 raspberry swirl because I already have a lavender whip from the original release and i wasnt sure about raspberry swirl enough to just order a backup.

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