MAC Barbie eyeshadows


Well-known member
What should I buy????

I am a NW20, light brown hair, blue eyes.

I really like the look of moth brown, and springtime skipper, but not sure if they will suit me!



Well-known member
I'm NW20 with blue/grey eyes and bought both (well, I already had Moth Brown from Madame B but you know). I also bought Playful but that's just to go with Passionate for pink looks.

Hope you get what you're after now though!


Well-known member
Those will look great on you! Those are actually the only two I bought too, thanks to limited funds


Well-known member
I am NW15 and bought them all and LOVE them ALL! But if I had to choose, my favs would be:
Moth Brown
Beauty Burst


Well-known member
I am NW20 blue/gray eyes and blonde hair, and I bought all... I think any of them would look great for you too.
If you're trying to limit your spending, I'd get at least the ones you're considering!!


Well-known member
i am NW15/20 same hair and blue-grey eyes - those two shadows are the only ones i picked up from this collection, so i say go for it!


Well-known member
I have ended up ordering the moth brown, springtime skipper and playful (playful was a last minute decision). Cant wait to get them to try them on!


Well-known member
Moth Brown is a great color that blends with many shades. Of course, I had it already from a previous collection. I bought Whistle and Macgic Dust. Magic Dust reminded to too many other neutral colors that already own, so I returned it.