Sooo... I bought the previously mentioned Quite Cute Candy Yum Yum from said seller and it is hopefully on it's way to me now... Meaning I can use up the remains of my original one!!
I was having a pajama day and then my friend wanted to hang out with wine so I decided to put some make up on and I couldn't resist using my yummy friend!! =P
I obviously had to use a lip brush to apply it now it's so nearly gone... Which is something I've only started using since buying none tubed lipsticky products like Lip Tars and Illamasqua Cream Pigments... And damn I regret not using a lip brush from day one with all lipsticks... They just make everything easier, prettier... just perfect!!
I do still have rush days where it IS faster to just apply from the tube... but when you have time, it's SO worth it!!
On another note I will definitely try my By Request CYY with a lip brush as although it's still not as neon... I know I'll prefer it when it's applied as neatly as I applied this one.. Again I DO love the colour of the BR CYY.. it's just not CYY to me... if that makes sense??? And I really want Mac to make the Perm ones the same colour and texture as the ones from QC
I wear Moxie from this collection SO SO MUCH.. I have that backed up though so I'm not worried about needing a back up... YET =P
But I never got around to buying Rocker... I just know I'd love it and I'm kicking myself about not getting it... so I may have to buy the one I've spotted on a sale and swap

It got much colder later so I wrapped up a little warmer!! Are you guys prepped for winter?!
Are there any shades from this collection you are still madly in love with!?