MAC Color Collections sub forum now member only 07/09/2014


Well-known member
Hey Specktrites!

Effective today the Color Collections forum will be members only. Our heart, our mission, is to be a resource of information and to share that information freely. We want both old and new to the hobby to be able to find the answers they seek here. We hope that as they use our resource they will come to appreciate the wonderful community we have and decide to stay for awhile and eventually turn into the very person who once helped them by helping newer members. This is the intended cycle of a community, it’s a beautiful thing.

Recently we have been plagued with absolutely criminal examples of people seeking internet “fame”, page views ($$), and followers and have zero qualms with stepping on the backs of our members to attain it.

While we dealt with this as a site when we first opened our doors back in 2004, we don’t think it’s fair for this to happen to our members who put so much at risk to share this information with their friends at Specktra. We appreciate the time, effort, and risk our members take to share information with one another and thus have made the decision to close the color collection forum to visitors and IP ban (perma ban) those who we find exploiting our community by stealing member images, removing user watermarks, and posting them with their own watermarks without any credit to the source or image owner.

This is NOT about keeping content on Specktra. We stand for what we believe in - which is CREDITING SOURCES. It’s the RIGHT thing to do and Specktra has a long history of giving credit to anything we share with the community. Stealing an image (using an image without first gaining permission from the owner), slapping your watermark on it, and posting it as your own when you did not take the picture not only shows you have no personal integrity but is detrimental to the ENTIRE beauty and blogging community. Asking the original poster or image owner for PERMISSION to use their image is the RIGHT thing to do. Saving the image and posting it on your instagram or blog with NO credit to the original owner HARMS the entire beauty community and provides members with no incentive to continue sharing their information.

We are aware this will not prevent those who are truly determined from gaining what they seek but Specktra leadership will do our best to no longer allow our community to blatantly be taken advantage of. We hope that as you see an increase in the number of newbies on the forum you will welcome them as you were welcomed when you first joined. We truly strive for Specktra to be a supportive place for those who love beauty and cosmetics. If you know of a member who is misusing their membership privileges to take images and information please let any staff member know and we will handle the issue immediately.

As always, thank you for your support. We’re incredibly happy to host you and hope you know how much we love that you've made Specktra your community of choice to discuss your passion.


Well-known member
I would like to clarify that this does not apply to company images. These have been provided to websites, bloggers, etc via company press relations under explicit consent to distribute/disseminate.


Well-known member
I think it is an appropriate action taken by you, thanks for being so sensitive about the rights of the forum members.

Does this apply to only MAC Color Collections?
Why not apply it to the other brands as well?

Just an idea.


Well-known member
I think it is an appropriate action taken by you, thanks for being so sensitive about the rights of the forum members.

Does this apply to only MAC Color Collections?
Why not apply it to the other brands as well?

Just an idea.
I think it's because the MAC color collections is where we've had the most issues.


Well-known member
I do not care about MAC nor does it interest me. You can check my activity and see that I barely go there, if I go at all. Such, I will not bring you problems. However, there is something I will point out.

IP ban may solve some people, but it won't solve others and it may bring trouble to innocent people. I for one, have dynamic IP. This means that every few days my IP gets re-assigned and my old one gets to a new person (when I say days, I say the automatic shift, I actually know how to switch whenever I'd like). That's the way my net provider works. Under the assumption someone with the same system I do is troublesome for this site, they'll be IP banned for a few days but some days after they'll be free to do whatever they'd like. Perhaps this will stop them from continuing to meddle right away, but it will not stop them from meddling them on a new collection. You will also risk someone innocent from accessing to the forums for a few days.


Well-known member
I think it is an appropriate action taken by you, thanks for being so sensitive about the rights of the forum members.

Does this apply to only MAC Color Collections?
Why not apply it to the other brands as well?

Just an idea.
The color collection forum is where the thieves target. The other brands dont seem to get as crazy in regards to early release information.

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