MAC - Colour Craft Discussion


Well-known member
Originally Posted by chickatthegym
^ For sure about the frost! You can only have too much frost on your lips without going overboard lol. Let me know how the gloss works. I like it with a neutral or even a clear gloss. I use my lancome Juicy tube with it a lot, the clear one.

Oh good idea too about the juicy tube. Miracle juicy tube used to be my go-to gloss because I would always get the mini ones in gift with purchases. Its a baby pink but really comes out pretty clear. I need to find those, I know I still have a bunch...


Well-known member
Not buying the MES was one of my best makeup decisions this year. I just don't have time for fall-out. And horrors of horrors to me, I had to return Fabdab and Style demon, even after lusting for it for months, that saddened me, but it would have pissed me off if I had to just look at in my makeup box unused.

I do love Warm blend, Smooth Merge and Made to love but the rest, good riddance and to my disgruntled makeup heart they don't want to stop making MES even for holidays, could they take a break already?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Face2Mac
Not buying the MES was one of my best makeup decisions this year. I just don't have time for fall-out. And horrors of horrors to me, I had to return Fabdab and Style demon, even after lusting for it for months, that saddened me, but it would have pissed me off if I had to just look at in my makeup box unused.

I do love Warm blend, Smooth Merge and Made to love but the rest, good riddance and to my disgruntled makeup heart they don't want to stop making MES even for holidays, could they take a break already?

I also didn't get any of the MES from this collection! I would like to say that I hate MES but actually I love "Fresh Green Mix"
and "Sea and Sky"
. I'm still lusting for Natural Flare, but i'm sure if I get it after a week it will be tossed aside because it's too frosty for my taste.

Why did you return Fabdab and Style demon?? I'm still thinking about them, but not getting because I have dupes!! Plz tell me they suck big time


Well-known member
^^Mine were sparkly. I tried on my cheeks, went out into the sun, and WHOA, glitter. I tried but going to work with them was out, it just looked like I was trying to hard or just didn't know any better.

I don't hate all MES, either, just getting tired of them and
Sea and Sky
best blue MES, EVER.


Well-known member
Were the Mineral blushes different in this collection? Like a different texture? I have most of the sonic chick blushes and a few of the Grand Duos and I LOVE them! I don't get any fall out and they are so pigmented.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Face2Mac
^^Mine were sparkly. I tried on my cheeks, went out into the sun, and WHOA, glitter. I tried but going to work with them was out, it just looked like I was trying to hard or just didn't know any better.

I don't hate all MES, either, just getting tired of them and
Sea and Sky
best blue MES, EVER.

I don't like glitter all over my face either but a few days ago I tried Style Demon mineral blush and love it. It was a little cooler and birghter than I'm used to but not overly shiny or glittery for me. Perhaps the amount that you put on makes a difference...or the brush thats used. I dunno. Just thinking out loud.

I loved it. I called around and found one today. Most stores were sold out in my area.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by dreamer246
I don't regret not getting Madly Creative despite all the raves though; just because a lot of people like it doesn't mean it will work on everyone.


True, but more often than not whenever I pass on an item that seems to be popular I end up wanting it after sampling it. Its like Murphys Law.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nunu
Not to enable or anything but Natural Flare is love!

This fotd by Zerin made me cave and get it and i am glad i caved!:

XinaRox's Cosmo-Diva Blog!: A Natural Flare FOTD!

Awww shiznit! thank you SO much. I really HAVE to have it now. It looks amazing with Up the Amp lippie. Thank goodness i have it already. LOL. i like watching her on youtube, I didnt know she had a blog.
thanks again! Must-find-quad-now


Well-known member
Originally Posted by cocodivatime
Awww shiznit! thank you SO much. I really HAVE to have it now. It looks amazing with Up the Amp lippie. Thank goodness i have it already. LOL. i like watching her on youtube, I didnt know she had a blog.
thanks again! Must-find-quad-now

No problem! I was trying to avoid getting it and then i saw this fotd and i had to have it, it was sold out everywhere and i managed to get the last one! It is really gorgeous and understated!
It really makes my brown eyes pop

especially when i wear the gold (tear duct), bronze (lid) and the brown (crease), orange (above the crease). Blacktrack to line and mascara.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Face2Mac
Not buying the MES was one of my best makeup decisions this year.


I do love Warm blend, Smooth Merge and Made to love but the rest, good riddance and to my disgruntled makeup heart they don't want to stop making MES even for holidays, could they take a break already?

what abt STYLE BLACK MY LADY!!!!


Well-known member
I used Assemblage for the first time today, I think it creates a great smokey eye! But I had to pick up so much color on the brush before it actually shows up on my lids. The fallout was quite bad too, but overall I'm happy with it.


Well-known member
^Certain colors have more mess than others... isn't it weird? I found the Eccentricity didn't make as much of a mess as Natrual Flare. I like using those MES's over NYX Jumbo Pencils. It helps the color "stick"


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nunu
Not to enable or anything but Natural Flare is love!

This fotd by Zerin made me cave and get it and i am glad i caved!:

XinaRox's Cosmo-Diva Blog!: A Natural Flare FOTD!

I tried this look yesterday and really liked it. I had to work with the light gold quite a bit to get it to be smooth and finally found that a sponge tip applicator is what works best. Not too much fallout but I was using them wet so that was my expectation. I would say these colors blend easily, but they do blend if you work at it.



Almost black.

Well-known member
I tried to find some random comments on Eccentricity MES quad but couldn't so if anyone could tell me more about it? I saw swatches here on specktra and I really like it. I'm NW20 (I think) so do you think it will look good on me?


Well-known member
^I have Eccentircity adn I am NW25/30 so I think it would look very pretty on you
I really like it. I used it over top of UDPP or the NYX jumbo pencils or a neutral paint pot. I had great payoff and the fall out wasnt too bad. I love the colors in it! I know the MES's don't get much love but I have had pretty good luck with them and I have about 12 different ones. Any other ?'s just let me know

Almost black.

Well-known member
Originally Posted by chickatthegym
^I have Eccentircity adn I am NW25/30 so I think it would look very pretty on you
I really like it. I used it over top of UDPP or the NYX jumbo pencils or a neutral paint pot. I had great payoff and the fall out wasnt too bad. I love the colors in it! I know the MES's don't get much love but I have had pretty good luck with them and I have about 12 different ones. Any other ?'s just let me know

Thanks for answering

I have only Tectonic and Danger Zone MES and I love them! DZ is my favorite

I'll let you know if and when I get Eccentricity how I liked it.

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