MAC - Colour Craft Discussion


Active member
Can you help my pick out some colors?
I'm nc15.
I was looking at Porcelain pink and cheeky bronze but i think cheeky bronze might be to dark?
also blushes, i want a lot can you reccommend me some? i only have dainty mb.
thanks so much


Well-known member

Trust me you're not the only one. This is one collection that's got us girls losing our minds! I have no idea what I'm getting either!!!! From pics and swatches I LOVE all the blushes. I know I'm definitely getting smooth merge msf b/c of the raspberry strip
. I'm still thinking about cheeky bronze msf. That one's a maybe depending on how it looks irl. There are great reviews for porcelain pink but I think I'm gonna pass it since I'm only looking for blushes. I have tons of highlighters already.......
Then again I have tons of blushes, too!- But I'm a blush whore so there is no such thing as too many blushes for me

As for l/s and l/g I have no idea what I want. The lippies look pretty but I have to check them out in person b/c I already have a ton of pinks and I don't want to buy one that may be similar to what I already have. I really like the coral one though. I definitely have to check out the lipglasses in person. Now that I know the formula isn't the same as the ones from the SS collection, I'm actually pretty excited about these. My faves are EL and FF. If I get a third one it'll be miss marble. But the price is like $1 different from the blushes so if I like all 6 blushes I might buy them and not get the l/g. IRUNNO WHAT TO DO!!!!!!!!!!! MAC why dop you do this to us? I'm getting a migraine just thinking about this!!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by leaveyourlove
Can you help my pick out some colors?
I'm nc15.
I was looking at Porcelain pink and cheeky bronze but i think cheeky bronze might be to dark?
also blushes, i want a lot can you reccommend me some? i only have dainty mb.
thanks so much

I LOVE Dainty MB!!!!

I think porcelain pink would look great on your skin tone! I'm a tad darker than you (nw20-25) and I was worried about cheeky bronze being too dark, too, but I've received so many recommendations for it. I say go for it if you're looking for a nice glow. My bff bought this and is your tone. She LOVES it and already bought a back up. For blushes, I think daft pink and hand finish would suit your tone. I'm dying to get my hands on daft pink. But then again- I want them ALL!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Winthrop44
How does Made with Love compare to Blow Dry? Are they pretty similar?

I think BD is lighter more peachy. MWL is more pinky coral


Well-known member
I can't figure out what to get from this collection. If I had any sense I would skip it all but those damn MSFs will haunt me if I don't get them. I don't know what to do!


Well-known member
Hi Coachkitten, I think you just answered your own question. We don't want any haunting going on do we? Plus you never know when Mac will release more MSF's.


Well-known member
Thanks kyoto!
Some people collect baseball cards and coins. I collect MSFs!
I think that I am going to limit myself to the MSFs and the 226 brush.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by coachkitten
Thanks kyoto!
Some people collection baseball cards and coins. I collect MSFs!
I think that I am going to limit myself to the MSFs and the 226 brush.

We think alike! I collect MSFs too, and refuse to give it up. The 226 is an awesome brush and I'm hoping the 131 is too.


Well-known member

blushes are haunting me, I think thats what I'll walk out the most with.

i really like the look of eccentricity--but you should see how messy my love connection duo---soooo messy!!

3 mbs, 2 mes and an msf.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by gigglegirl

blushes are haunting me, I think thats what I'll walk out the most with.

i really like the look of eccentricity--but you should see how messy my love connection duo---soooo messy!!

3 mbs, 2 mes and an msf.

Me too! just took a look at Sanderlees' swatches and the blushes look b-e-a-utiful! I wasn't interested at first but now I might be splurging on those!

Does anyone know, is Fad-dabulous at all similar to Stark Naked, Blooming in color?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jen77
I have a ???

Anyone think Miss Marble gloss would look good over Color Craft lipstick?

I think it would be gorgeous!! I definitely want to check those two out together!


Active member
this collection is awesome. i had a chance to swatch the whole collection yesterday. as excited as i was to splurge, i didn't. i'm an NC40 and many of the blushes and msf's didn't look too good on me.

but i did get to feel and touch the 131, it's awesome. too bad i couldn't see it in action. can't wait to pick up the things i ordered first thing tomorrow!


Well-known member
I would like Odd bits, the 226 and one of the lipsticks and maybe one of the glosses but I have to swatch to make any decision. Tomorrow I may go to MAC ;-)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by abbyquack
Me too! just took a look at Sanderlees' swatches and the blushes look b-e-a-utiful! I wasn't interested at first but now I might be splurging on those!

Does anyone know, is Fad-dabulous at all similar to Stark Naked, Blooming in color?

Nothing alike Fad-dabulous is more coral-peachy.

OMG-I ordered my CC last night from my MA thinking she will probably send it out Thursday (wanted to make sure I got everything-since I have to work late Thursday) and she went and sent it out and I got it TODAAY!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shy_gal_jojo65
this collection is awesome. i had a chance to swatch the whole collection yesterday. as excited as i was to splurge, i didn't. i'm an NC40 and many of the blushes and msf's didn't look too good on me.

but i did get to feel and touch the 131, it's awesome. too bad i couldn't see it in action. can't wait to pick up the things i ordered first thing tomorrow!

i agree!! i am nc40 too and most of the stuff didnt look good on me.
warm msf was looking very muddy on me...:/

i have put smooth merge on hold... will go again and see tomorrow whether I like it or not!!


Well-known member
After seeing the blushes pics I am screwed again!

Fad-dabulous looks gorgeous, so does improvise, cheek and cheerful and style demon, except I wish style demon was more red instead of pink. arggg I can't decide.


Well-known member
^Those are the four blushes that I'm getting!!! It's so hard to choose one right now since I don't want to over spend on this collection and wait until next week to get the rest of what I want and move on from this collection.


Well-known member
Grrrr stupid only has the blushes and lippies to buy from. It claims it can't add any of the MSF's or lipglasses!
I wouldn't care but I would like to use my employee discount as much as I can lol


Well-known member
I want all 6 blushes!!!!!!! I was bummed at first b/c my mac isn't releasing this tomorrow. But my hubby and I planned a get together with some close friends of ours to go to atlantic city tomorrow and spend the night there. He asked what day would be best to go and OF COURSE I told him tomorrow would work just fine! (although he doesn't know why I made the plans for tomorrow
) I swear these plans couldn't have come at a better time! Good thing there's a MAC store there lol. He'll be gambling while I'm spendin my $$$ on MAC

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