MAC - Colour Craft Discussion


Well-known member
I ended up getting:

Cheeky Bronze MSF
Style Demon MB
Fad-dabulous MB
Hand-Finish MB
Daft Pink MB

Girlish Romp MES (My MA let me B2M for this!)

The MBs were so pretty in person, my fave was actually Hand Finish, I never would have expected that from the swatches I've seen.

I wanted to get Costa Chic l/s while i was there, but it was sold out
so I'm going to order online, and maybe end up with natural flare and improvise in my basket too.


Well-known member
This collection is sooo pretty! The products themselves are just so gorgeous to look at.

The only MSF I got was Sunny By Nature, which is THE BOMB. It shows up as a very light tan bronze on my NC 25/30 self. The MA, who was very fair, had it on aswell and she looked very beachy and I definitely didn't think it looked orangey or fake on her. I was deciding between SBN and Warm Blend but when the MA put Warm Blend on me, I looked like a brown, fish-scale-y discoball. LOL. It was just way too shimmery and gritty. Porcelain Pink looked pretty but turned out to be like nothing on my skin. The middle strip in Smooth Merge, like everyone said, is beautiful. And I found Triple Fusion to be very gritty and not that unique IMO.

I wasn't that interested in the blushes because I found them to be a bit over-shimmery but if I had to pick one, I'd chose Style Demon because it looked the most unique.
The eyeshadows we're so cute!! 4 colours kinda squished together in a pot, haha. The only ones that I would consider getting were Natural Flare and Odd Bits.

Overall, I'd recommend giving Sunny By Nature a try because its my
. haha


Well-known member
I just bought my stuff from this... I think I was very good. I tried to be, considering everything coming up. I got Smooth Merge MSF, Eccentricity MES, and Cheek and Cheerful blush. I was tempted by Natural Flare MES and I originally wanted Cheeky Bronze MSF also.... I might go back for it, but it looked a little frosty.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by elegant-one
Wow - now thats pretty darn sweet!!! I'm excited for you.

I LOVE the gloss colors

Thanks! I saw the glosses and was like 'Aw damnit..' I originally didn't want any except EE but then I saw them in person and it was
they are unique to my ever growing collection so yeah lol


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Originally Posted by TISH1124
They did not have it at my Nordies...I thought maybe they just hadn't gotten it in yet...I didn't ask....hummmm

they should have it...
I just came back from my Nordstorms and they had all of the brushes... the 226, 131, and that other one (sorry I cant remember the name)... which and the "other one" was already sold out in the mac freestanding that was close by


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NeonKitty
I ended up getting:

Cheeky Bronze MSF
Style Demon MB
Fad-dabulous MB
Hand-Finish MB
Daft Pink MB

Girlish Romp MES (My MA let me B2M for this!)

The MBs were so pretty in person, my fave was actually Hand Finish, I never would have expected that from the swatches I've seen.

I wanted to get Costa Chic l/s while i was there, but it was sold out
so I'm going to order online, and maybe end up with natural flare and improvise in my basket too.

really?! you can B2M for MES... thats so good to know


Well-known member
Originally Posted by blinkymei
really?! you can B2M for MES... thats so good to know

I didn't think you could because they cost more, but My MA (who was the manager) said I could even get one of the lipglosses as B2M.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by gigglegirl I LOVE the mineral blushes!!! I kinda wanted fan-tabulous too but i passed for now. Daft Pink--definitely not as subtle as say Dainty is on my NW15 skin--and yes, I know Dainty is a diff colour than Daft Pink but LOVE Daft pink!!!. I cannot wait to use it!! Pink!!!

I got Smooth Merge as planned and am debating Triple Fusion--these are both very frosty to me. So I'm thinking Ill stick with just Smooth Merge. Also was unsure of Porcelain Pink but I think it'll be a great light highlighter on me, versus something thats more pigmented. Lustre drops, msfs, and benefit high beam/moon beam area all what I love using to make my skin glow! (my feeble attempt!)

I was really impressed with the creamy like buttery feeling I got with the MES. I got one (Girlish Romp) as predicted but am thinking about more.

Did I mention pink?! PINK! Daft Pink--give it a go!



Well-known member
Ok ladies, I just bought $180 worth of Color Craft. It's just too beautiful OMG. I went to the store wanting to buy the 226 but it was not in yet and she doesn't know when they will get it
. I was so sad, but then I was thinking if I really need it. I have the 217, 239, 224, and 272. I shouldn't spend the money but I dunno. Help Please lol.


Active member
Originally Posted by Cherrymint
I got SUNNY BY NATURE MSF! so pretty for bronzing!

ummm...just a quick question: Are they putting the names of the products on the packaging now instead of that small round circle sticker they use to come with? that's how mine is... I got it at macys!
and also... has anyone bought Sunny by nature but found that it's all just one blended color in the compact and doesn't have those little pink veins on it?

I noticed this when I bought some lipsticks from Euristocrats II, that the name was printed on the bottom of the l/s packaging instead of those little circles! I like it better this way.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BrokefromMAC
Ok ladies, I just bought $180 worth of Color Craft. It's just too beautiful OMG. I went to the store wanting to buy the 226 but it was not in yet and she doesn't know when they will get it
. I was so sad, but then I was thinking if I really need it. I have the 217, 239, 224, and 272. I shouldn't spend the money but I dunno. Help Please lol.

I have the 219, 217, 222, & 239... and I've got double lid small almond eyes, and I just got the 226 gave me the easiest crease cut ever because i had the hardest time trying to do it with the other brushes I had. So far I really like it for that... but im still experimenting since I just got it today


Well-known member
So, I went by MAC today to check out Colour Craft. I must say I loved it, but controlled my urges :-( . I got Smooth Merge and Cheeky Bronze MSFs. I love them both on my NC25 skin. Triple Fusion and Porcelain Pink barely showed at all, so I passed them. The other two MSFs were too dark for me.

The blushes were gorgeous!! I only got Hand Finish though. It shows as the prettiest peachy pinky color!! Improvise, Fad-dabulous, and Daft Pink were beautiful too!!

Finally, I got Assemblage and Girlish Romp MES. I really wanted two more of them, but didn't want to spend anymore money. I'm loving these little quads! What a great way to bring your e/s when travelling!!

The lipsticks and lipglasses were pretty, but not unique enough IMO.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by blinkymei
I have the 219, 217, 222, & 239... and I've got double lid small almond eyes, and I just got the 226 gave me the easiest crease cut ever because i had the hardest time trying to do it with the other brushes I had. So far I really like it for that... but im still experimenting since I just got it today

I agree! The 226 is great for making the crease really stand out and being very precise but you can also easily blend out harsh lines aswell.


Well-known member
Ok I am offically in love with sunny by nature and cheeky bronze perfect timing for these they making an a great combo for bronzing.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Face2Mac
Buy more storage.

Running out of room is no reason to skip on MSF's, ever.

truer words have never been spoken!

Originally Posted by pdtb050606
So when I first heard about this collection I was super excited, but now I really don't want anything
But of course I will go to MAC today just the play with all the pretty stuff and I'm sure I won't leave empty handed. Please don't kill me if this has been asked, but I just recently started following the collections religously and is this when the MSF's in the perm line are being switched out or is that something totally different? (i know these aren't perm but I hope you get what I mean?)

so far there are no plans to rotate the two MSFs or the MBs.

Originally Posted by minni4bebe
Quick question ladies, I want a golden glow to my cheeks and am NC40. Which would match my skintone the most, Cheek & colorful or improvise? Thanks!


Originally Posted by TISH1124
It's not Sold Out on the US Pro site

yep, its sitting in my bag waiting to be checked out!

Originally Posted by Susanne
To be honest I am much more excited about the new MES that will come with the Style Black collection than about these ones

the colour is kickass!, but they are chunkier. i'm still gettin em tho!

Originally Posted by chocolategoddes
AHHHHH! Idk which MSF to buy cuz I'm only limiting myself to one!
Cheeky Bronze or Warm Blend!

I'm not even bothering with anything else other than the MSFs... not even the 130 brush*cry*

WB for sure!

Originally Posted by Cherrymint
I got SUNNY BY NATURE MSF! so pretty for bronzing!

ummm...just a quick question: Are they putting the names of the products on the packaging now instead of that small round circle sticker they use to come with? that's how mine is... I got it at macys!
and also... has anyone bought Sunny by nature but found that it's all just one blended color in the compact and doesn't have those little pink veins on it?

mac is no longer using the little stickers on any of their packaging. this was talked about with the naked honey products.

there isn't a whole lot of veining in SBN. if yours doesn't have any on the top layer, there will be some (not a lot) in the underlayers.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by chocolategoddes
AHHHHH! Idk which MSF to buy cuz I'm only limiting myself to one!
Cheeky Bronze or Warm Blend!

I'm not even bothering with anything else other than the MSFs... not even the 130 brush*cry*

I'd say go with Warm Blend

edit: I must say, I learn more about these collections reading Erine1881's posts than from the MAs near me.... kudos to Erine ^^


Well-known member
How much do I suck???

I tried to go to bed & literally could not sleep b/c I regretted not getting Improvise this afternoon. So I just ordered it on-line. Hopefully I can sleep now.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MsWestchesterNY
I must say, I am not impressed with CC anymore, everything was so glittery in the store, nothing like the pics I've seen here...
U know that saying " You look better on Myspace"? Well Colour Craft looked better on Specktra....

I did get the 226 though,courtesy of a family member

I agree!!! I burst into the MAC store with a list... A LIST!!! I walked out with 2 MSF's and Assemblage which wasnt even on my radar when I first saw this collection. I thought I wanted Eccentricity and Fashion Patch but the colours didnt do anything for me. They were pretty but ... meh. The blushes were gorgeous with a high sheen finish. I could achieve the same look with my MSF's and they are a better bang for the buck. I only tried Improvise and Daft Pink which were on my list. Gorgeous. Improvise started to turn on orange me by the time I got home. Daft Pink is delish but I have too many pink blushes

Its okay... more $$$ for Love That Look.... gimmie Starflash anyday


Well-known member
I love new MAC days! Especially when it's predominantly a collection of the mineralized products! And even more so when the SA's are all really nice and patiently pull out the products to let me choose which one I want (I wanted to choose a Smooth Merge with a thicker middle stripe and Girlish Romp with more pink/purple).

I ended up with:

Smooth Merge (a tad too frosty, but don't care!)
Cheeky Bronze
Girlish Romp MES (love)
Daft Pink (adore)
Miss Marble l/g
Colour Crafted l/s

I forgot my empties, so tomorrow I'll be hitting the MAC store for Funky Fusion l/g and I'm still considering Madly Creative l/s. This lipstick looks really different than the swatches on here, but everything else was true to the swatches imo.

My thoughts, I passed on Sunny By Nature, it just looks like it could go orange on me. Brunette is by far the best bronze-y MSF imo, so I don't think I need any more of the sort.

Smooth Merge is gorgeous, I can see the comparisons to Petticoat, but because of the stripe design, this one can be customized more so. I was hoping it wasn't as frosty as Petticoat, but it pretty much appears to be the same in that regard.

Colour Crafted l/s - I was pleasantly surprised by this. It really is a mikly pastel pink colour, though it's marked as a frost, it only has a bit of shimmer to it, so it looks more like a cream and the pay off is great.

Madly Creative l/s - I really loved this colour, it's just really frosty, comparable to Eden Rocks in terms of the finish. But the colour is hard to describe, a pinky, mauve-y nude pink. I'll probably end up picking it up!

Miss Marble - a light-mid tone slightly dusty pink. It looked nice over Colour Crafted, and also not too shimmery.

Funky Fusion - Also not too shimmery, but a bit more so than Miss Marble, this was a medium very slightly corally pink. A warm pink i'd say.

Daft pink - See Hannah's review below! It's just gorgeous, although I did wish MAC would tone down the shimmer a bit.

Eccentricity MES - Passed on this. The two purple shades swatched too similar to one another, the gold had a lot of fall out and as Susanne mentioned, this one is dupeable.

Girlish Romp MES - This is summer in a pot! Love all of the colours, will make for a really pretty colourful eye, but in a really soft way.

Originally Posted by gigglegirl
Daft Pink--definitely not as subtle as say Dainty is on my NW15 skin--and yes, I know Dainty is a diff colour than Daft Pink but LOVE Daft pink!!!. I cannot wait to use it!! Pink!!!

I was really impressed with the creamy like buttery feeling I got with the MES. I got one (Girlish Romp) as predicted but am thinking about more.

Did I mention pink?! PINK! Daft Pink--give it a go!

I loved your entire post Hannah! But what happened to resisting the MES?!

Originally Posted by NeonKitty

The MBs were so pretty in person, my fave was actually Hand Finish, I never would have expected that from the swatches I've seen.

I was also suprised with Hand Finish. I actually really liked it, but managed to pass! It was the only other one I was considering other than Daft Pink!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by elegant-one
What? I didn't think it was frosty.

No, it won't be like Aloof (one of my ALL time faves) its much pinker

Originally Posted by coachkitten
I don't know where I thought that I heard that. I might have to give it second look.
Aloof is one of my favorite pinks as well. One of the best LE lipsticks. I have to use mine VERY rarely as I don't want to run out.

Same here girls... I have a brand new Aloof under lock and key and another that I am using verrrrrryyyyyyyy sparingly. ... *sigh* Awaits patiently when Aloof will be repromoted (it will happen)

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