MAC Colourmatch!!!


New member
Hey there,

I recently bought my first MAC face products ever (I KNOW, but hey!)

The lady matched me to:

studio fix powder foundation: nc43
studio finish concealer: nc42

I went again today for couple of products, the lady matched me to nc45 in prolongwear concealer and F&B foundation in n5.

She did try nw25 but it looked ashy so she said nc42 would look similar, hence should go for nc45. It did look decent but then why am nc42 in studio finish...

And, still not sure of n5, Shouldn't I be in c something?


Staff member
MAC foundation and concealer formulas are different in colour and in undertone across the board. Some of them run darker, some NWs run more pink or orange, some NCs run more yellow. There's virtually no consistency. Sometimes this means you'll get matched to NC in one formula and NW in another. This is why I often ask people to specify which MAC foundation they were matched to when they give their shade number.


New member
my first product that I was matched to was studio fix foundation powder in nc43.. (i do feel it looks a bit orangy though)..

So I was thinking I would be matched to C something shade (indian skin!).. Had looked up some viddies on youtube.. So when I was matched to n5, I was surprised..

So before I buy, just wanted to check...


Staff member
Does the powder go on orange straight away or does it turn orange after a few hours or so? If it's the latter, it may be oxidizing on you. Meanwhile, have some Face and Body swatches, so you can see some of the other shades.

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