MAC - Cool Heat Discussion


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Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Originally Posted by GlamYOURUs
Omg Gulf Stream looks so pretty and unique! Nothing that I have seen in past collections. It looks minty! lol

No, Gulf Stream is almost exactly like Waternymph from Lure according to erine. Good thing I have 2 of Waternymph so I can skip Gulf Stream!

If you don't have Waternymph, you BETTER get Gulf Stream then, or I will get you!
Waternymph is hands down my favorite shadow EVER.


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Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Originally Posted by darkishstar
No, Gulf Stream is almost exactly like Waternymph from Lure according to erine. Good thing I have 2 of Waternymph so I can skip Gulf Stream!

If you don't have Waternymph, you BETTER get Gulf Stream then, or I will get you!
Waternymph is hands down my favorite shadow EVER.

Hmmm really? I just bought waternymph on ebay and haven't gotten a chance to use it yet. If it does look like Gulf Stream, then I might not end up getting ALL the shadows from this collection after all...


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Re: Cool Heat Discussion

I feel i already own alot of teals so ill be skipping them and just gettin about 3-4 of the shadows.. i love the look of the slimshines though


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Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Originally Posted by darkishstar
No, Gulf Stream is almost exactly like Waternymph from Lure according to erine. Good thing I have 2 of Waternymph so I can skip Gulf Stream!

If you don't have Waternymph, you BETTER get Gulf Stream then, or I will get you!
Waternymph is hands down my favorite shadow EVER.

Hmmm interesting. I have Waternymph and it looks nothing like Gulf Stream from the swatch.
Waternymph is very pretty but it looks like Parrot on me with the EXCEPTION that it has more gold and green in it. I am NC35. Gulf Stream looks like a muted version of Waternymph if anything judging by the swatch of course. I will have to see all of these shadows in person and start eliminating.


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Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Originally Posted by Krasevayadancer
Erine- what are the standouts of cool heat in your opinion?

solar white (duh!), warm chill, cool heat, possibly blue flame (because its a VP), gentley simmer, by degrees, and tropic glow. these aren't lip colors that i normally wear, but they are the prettier shades (especially for summer)


Well-known member
Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Originally Posted by GlamYOURUs
Hmmm interesting. I have Waternymph and it looks nothing like Gulf Stream from the swatch.
Waternymph is very pretty but it looks like Parrot on me with the EXCEPTION that it has more gold and green in it. I am NC35. Gulf Stream looks like a muted version of Waternymph if anything judging by the swatch of course. I will have to see all of these shadows in person and start eliminating.

hmm.. i think the colors look similar, but not the texture though. maybe it's just me, but waternymph looks a lot shinier than gulf stream


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Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Originally Posted by sleepyhead
hmm.. i think the colors look similar, but not the texture though. maybe it's just me, but waternymph looks a lot shinier than gulf stream



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Re: Cool Heat Discussion

i can't WAIT for cool heat. i am loving all of these colours. especially the blues and greens. i only have one slimshine so far (bare) but i think they're amazing and i think i'll definitely have to pick some up.
and i know some people are saying they won't get certain shades because they can't "pull it off" but i think as long as you are confident, you can pull anything off! don't be afraid to try! you'll never know what you are missing out on otherwise

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
Re: Cool Heat Discussion

I'm getting very impatient waiting for this collection, it's the best collection of summer 08 IMO. My makeup appointment is set for June 14th...yayyyyy!


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Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Originally Posted by GlamYOURUs
Hmmm interesting. I have Waternymph and it looks nothing like Gulf Stream from the swatch.
Waternymph is very pretty but it looks like Parrot on me with the EXCEPTION that it has more gold and green in it. I am NC35. Gulf Stream looks like a muted version of Waternymph if anything judging by the swatch of course. I will have to see all of these shadows in person and start eliminating.

I do agree that Waternymph looks shinier, but the color is almost identical. So I would go with the shimmery one, i.e. Waternymph and skip out on Gulf Stream. And since you have Waternymph.. skip out on Gulf Stream? Save money.

And Parrot and Waternymph don't look the same on me at all. It's more of a green teal on me and Parrot is definitely a blue teal. Man, crazy how things can look different on different people.


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Re: Cool Heat Discussion

It is crazy that the same color would look different on people. I guess it does depend on skin tone. Maybe that is why I don't like neutral colors so much b/c it hardly shows up on the lid but they make great highlighters for the brow bone. I agree that Waternymph is shinier and a lil more green on me and Parrot is blue but when its blended on my eye, they look the same. I have a whole blue palette of blues and teals and majority of it all look the same on me.


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Re: Cool Heat Discussion

I just saw that someone has the entire collection on ebay but they only have stock photos. Seriously why do people do that!?


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Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Originally Posted by coachkitten
I just saw that someone has the entire collection on ebay but they only have stock photos. Seriously why do people do that!?

well, that make sense cuz they'll make money if someone actually bid on it. my question is why do ppl bid on these auctions?


Well-known member
Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Originally Posted by GlamYOURUs
It is crazy that the same color would look different on people. I guess it does depend on skin tone. Maybe that is why I don't like neutral colors so much b/c it hardly shows up on the lid but they make great highlighters for the brow bone. I agree that Waternymph is shinier and a lil more green on me and Parrot is blue but when its blended on my eye, they look the same. I have a whole blue palette of blues and teals and majority of it all look the same on me.

Yeah, that's why I'm trying to resist Cool Heat the best I can. I have so many blues and teals that I really should not be buying them unless they really look different. If it's like.. a little lighter or darker, but the same color, I really really will not get it.

That's why I pretty much only want Solar White and Warm Chill, those I have nothing similar to.


Well-known member
Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Originally Posted by coachkitten
I just saw that someone has the entire collection on ebay but they only have stock photos. Seriously why do people do that!?



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Re: Cool Heat Discussion

does anyone have aquavert from lure collection to compare with warm chill??? and also blue flame compare to bell bottom blue pigment? i do hope they look similar..


Well-known member
Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Originally Posted by HoneyLicious
does anyone have aquavert from lure collection to compare with warm chill??? and also blue flame compare to bell bottom blue pigment? i do hope they look similar..

I was thinking the same about aquavert !
It would be great if they look they same, we will save money lol


Well-known member
Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Originally Posted by coachkitten
I just saw that someone has the entire collection on ebay but they only have stock photos. Seriously why do people do that!?

Coz they know it will sell fast ! And at a very high price for those who can't wait to buy it in stores ( And I know a lot of french girls who buy on ebay whole collections just because here in France, it's released 15 days later and they can't wait ! Which is stupid, because shipping to France takes 10/15 days..)


Well-known member
Re: Cool Heat Discussion

I got a sneak peak today!!
I am excited for a few things, but don't want the entire collection like I originally thought. They hadn't received Gulf Stream yet, but I got to see everything else.

Solar White - every bit as beautiful as Erine says. Reminds me a bit of Vanilla pigment, but it is gorgeous. Perfect for a lid color or highlight. A must have!

Warming Trend - This is a bit different than I expected. I expected a taupe with a gold hue, and it isn't as gold as I pictured, but beautiful none-the-less. It is in the same color family as Patina, but quite a bit lighter and less pink. This is different from anything I have, and is a VP, so I am excited to get it.

Warm Chill - I love this one. The gold sparkles are gorgeous. A beautiful mint green, similar to Moodring, but without the iridescence that MR has and it seems to be a bit warmer too. It has more aqua than Aquavert, and will be gorgeous with so many things. Great texture and payoff.

Cool Heat - This is Big T with a MUCH better texture. I had Big T and sold it because I hated the texture. Cool Heat is a beautiful bright, but wearable teal. It will be AMAZING as a liner

Climate Blue - IMO this is nearly identical to Jeweltone but just a touch more blue. The pink sparkles in this are very pretty, but disappear with you blend it out. It is a velvet, and not a good one like Vanilla e/s. It is a great color in the pot, but the texture and payoff leave alot to be desired. I am very tempted by this one, but I know it will be difficult to apply.

Blue Flame - Like Erine said, this is very similar to Deep Truth. I swatched them together and actually prefer Deep Truth. Blue Flame swatched a bit patchy for a VP, and seems more muted than Deep Truth. I was excited for this, but after seeing it, I would choose Deep Truth over Blue Flame any day.

Gentle Simmer Slimshine -
OMG this is the most perfect shimmery yellow pink you could ever imagine. I am SO glad this is permanent because I will be going through this color like crazy. PERFECT!

Tropic Glow Slimshine
- This is a bit brighter and more of a blue pink than Gentle Shimmer, but it will be a great summer color. I love that it can be worn sheer or layered for a bit more color. I love this one too.

Turquatic Heat Hue - Personally, I don't think this is much different from Turquatic. It is a bit warmer and a touch more spicy if that makes sense. But in all honestly, if this fragrance was in a Turquatic bottle, I don't think I would be able to tell the difference.

I tested the rest of the Slimshines out, and they are all beautiful, perfect summer shades. I didn't pay much attention to the others because I didn't want to tempt myself any further. I think that Swelter (? -whatever the red one is) will FLY off the shelves.

All in all, this is a great collection, but there are a few shades that could be dupes. There are very slight details that seperate them from previously released shades. HTH!

I ended up doing a preorder for:
-Solar White e/s
-Warming Trend e/s
-Warm Chill e/s
-Cool Heat e/s
-Gentle Simmer Slimshine
-Tropic Glow Slimshine

Now all I have to do is wait til June 12th!

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