MAC - Cool Heat Discussion


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Re: Cool Heat Discussion

You know, after seeing the above swatch, I think I'm going to cut Blue Flame from my list and add Warming Trend....but now...what to do about the slimshines!?!


Well-known member
Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Originally Posted by Moxy
Aww I'm sure it's annoying but think of it this way - at least you have a counter you can go to.

Hahaha how cool is that, you share colour stories with your husband

Yep, everytime a new collection comes out, I share the swatches with him. Usually I already have my wishlist done, and most times, he picks the same things that I already have on my list. It also gives me a little bit of backup if I buy alot. I can always turn around and say "Well honey, you said you liked it so I bought it!"
He is such a sweetheart. Very supportive of my MAC habit, and always makes sure there is money in the budget for it since I enjoy it so much
that guy!


Well-known member
Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Now I want all the Slimshines EXCEPT Gentile Simmer...what!?...that was the only one I WAS going to get. Those colors look gorgeous on erines arm! Thanks erine!!!

By Degrees is 'Neutral Brown Pink' ??huh...maybe it's just the photos? anyone care to describe the color???

I'm REALLY liking 90 Degrees if it looks like that, hot, hot!


Well-known member
Re: Cool Heat Discussion

-Audrey (or anyone else
) What do you think of Gentle Simmer or Tropic Glow on an NC45 skintone? I've been wanting a nice warm pink lipstick, and it looks really pretty. Is it frosty?


Well-known member
Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Hahaha bless, you've got a good hubby

I love my hun but he despises make up
He needs a bit of schooling I think!


Well-known member
Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Originally Posted by AudreyNicole
I hate it when I want alot from one collection, cause I have to break it up into a couple of hauls, which means multiple trips to the counter (which is 35 minutes each way). With the price of gas, it's killing me. Not only that, but if I don't get all I want in one go, then it might sell out and I won't be able to get it.
Oh well, I will just see how much cash I have by the time next Thursday rolls around, and go from there.

My counter is 30 min by car away. Not only the MAC prices are crazy here, also the gas prices!!
I save some money for MAC every week so that I don't need to spend much money at once if a new collection comes out. It is like: Do you need these shoes? No, Susanne, take it into your MAC's piggybank

You all should have a MAC's piggybank!


Well-known member
Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Swelter and Tropic Glow look similar. I might just get 1 of them and get High 90s. Gentle Simmer will definitely NOT show up in color on pigmented lips, but the shimmer will be there.

I am not too sure how I feel about By Degrees, it looks like a darker version of Swelter.


Well-known member
Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Yeah Tropic Glow looks really pretty. I might check into that! Thanks GlamYOURUs!


Well-known member
Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Originally Posted by elegant-one
Now I want all the Slimshines EXCEPT Gentile Simmer...what!?...that was the only one I WAS going to get. Those colors look gorgeous on erines arm! Thanks erine!!!

By Degrees is 'Neutral Brown Pink' ??huh...maybe it's just the photos? anyone care to describe the color???

When I swatched By Degrees on my hand, it did have a noticeable brown hue. It is more pink than brown, but still, you can see the brown in it. It seemed a bit warmer than the other pinks. In erine's swatch, all of the pinks look kind of similar, but IRL, they are all very different.

Originally Posted by lilMAClady
-Audrey (or anyone else
) What do you think of Gentle Simmer or Tropic Glow on an NC45 skintone? I've been wanting a nice warm pink lipstick, and it looks really pretty. Is it frosty?

It is hard for me to say exactly, because I am on the complete opposite end of the skintone spectrum, but IMO, Gentle Simmer is a cool yellow pink. I don't think of it as warm at all. If you are looking for a warm pink, By Degrees might be more what you are looking for (though it is much darker). That being said, if you have pigmented lips, Gentle Simmer might not be obviously pink on you. It is pretty sheer and glossy. I wouldn't say it is frosty, but more pearly. It has white pearl, which is obvious, though not over the top. I think there is a difference between frost and pearl, and this one has pearl

Originally Posted by Moxy
Hahaha bless, you've got a good hubby

I love my hun but he despises make up
He needs a bit of schooling I think!

Thank you!

Originally Posted by Susanne
My counter is 30 min by car away. Not only the MAC prices are crazy here, also the gas prices!!
I save some money for MAC every week so that I don't need to spend much money at once if a new collection comes out. It is like: Do you need these shoes? No, Susanne, take it into your MAC's piggybank

You all should have a MAC's piggybank!

I know what you mean. I save a bit at a time, but with the kids, it seems there is always something they need, so I am dipping back into the MAC fund alot. I do try to sell things I don't use when I don't have money for the new things coming that I want. So far, it is working out well, and I always manage to have the cash for the things I am lemming.


Well-known member
Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Someone that owns Tropic Glow already said its a very pretty raspberry pink. And, I've never met a Pink lipstick that I didn't like no matter what name description you put in front of it. It could be "Poopy Pink" & I would buy it

The colors will be different enough I bet. Camera's don't always shoot reds/oranges too true all the time.


Well-known member
Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Originally Posted by GlamYOURUs
Swelter and Tropic Glow look similar. I might just get 1 of them and get High 90s. Gentle Simmer will definitely NOT show up in color on pigmented lips, but the shimmer will be there.

I am not too sure how I feel about By Degrees, it looks like a darker version of Swelter.

They are pretty different IRL, though may be more similar on someone with a darker skintone than me. Swelter is HOT! It is a beautiful sheer glossy red, and I am sure it will FLY off the shelves. Tropic Glow is a midtone blue pink with shimmer. And I think you're right, Gentle Simmer will not show up well on pigmented lips. By Degrees is more obviously a brown pink IRL. Still more pink than brown, but with a brown hue. It is the warmest of all of them IMO.


Well-known member
Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Originally Posted by elegant-one
Someone that owns Tropic Glow already said its a very pretty raspberry pink. And, I've never met a Pink lipstick that I didn't like no matter what name description you put in front of it. It could be "Poopy Pink" & I would buy it

The colors will be different enough I bet. Camera's don't always shoot reds/oranges too true all the time.

You and me both! If it is pink, I neeeed it!


Well-known member
Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Originally Posted by AudreyNicole
You and me both! If it is pink, I neeeed it!

HAHAHA...I feel CRAZY today
cutey.gif must be the heat

How did 90 Degrees look IRL ??? Is it like erines swatch?


Well-known member
Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Originally Posted by AudreyNicole
I hate it when I want alot from one collection, cause I have to break it up into a couple of hauls, which means multiple trips to the counter (which is 35 minutes each way).

awwwwww omg thats ass
Thank goodness I am two blocks away from mine (and I still sometimes buy online


Well-known member
Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Ahhhh, I want the day to be over already so I can go and play and share my findings. Gonna buy all the es so I can probably get some great swatches. Oh and of high 90's on me!!


Well-known member
Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Poopy Pink, that's actaully a great name hahaha!!! soo catchy (regardless of what poopy means lol)
I'd buy it too.


Well-known member
Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Originally Posted by GlamYOURUs
I can just see Audrey and elegant_one eyes pop out and say: I WANT i WANT i WANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *starts car*


Me...after seeing those swatches! And...I do want

Watch...I'll prolly end up dreaming about those swatches


Well-known member
Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Originally Posted by elegant-one
HAHAHA...I feel CRAZY today
cutey.gif must be the heat

How did 90 Degrees look IRL ??? Is it like erines swatch?

I know what you mean! Seeing those swatches first thing after I open my eyes has me all wound up!
Do you mean High 90s? Yep, Erine's swatches are pretty accurate. It is definately the most pigmented of all of them. More orange than pink, though the pink is visable, and a very wearable orange (nothing like Electro from NSF). I really like this one. Beautiful and bright and glossy. It screams summer!

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