MAC - Cool Heat Discussion


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Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Originally Posted by GlamYOURUs
Does anyone know if this collection will be out sooner (a week earlier), like tomorrow at counters?

i hope not.. at least get me a little closer to payday!


Well-known member
Re: Cool Heat Discussion

This collection comes out on my b-day so i'm gonna have to buy myself birthday presents of alllll the Cool Heat eyshadows. If anything I'm restraining myself considering that I dont plan on buying any slimshines. However that is subject to change.


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Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Originally Posted by Trista
This collection comes out on my b-day so i'm gonna have to buy myself birthday presents of alllll the Cool Heat eyshadows. If anything I'm restraining myself considering that I dont plan on buying any slimshines. However that is subject to change.

This is an awesome present!


Well-known member
Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Originally Posted by Trista
This collection comes out on my b-day so i'm gonna have to buy myself birthday presents of alllll the Cool Heat eyshadows. If anything I'm restraining myself considering that I dont plan on buying any slimshines. However that is subject to change.

Lucky girl! I wish this was my birthday collection.

This collection is my belated birthday present to my self, since I spent one of my birthday check on a CP for it already! lol


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Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Heh I was fine with Naughty Nauticals being my b-day collection...but I still cannot wait for this. I will be more than happy to silence all of the "no blue eyeshadow" people.


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Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Originally Posted by KikiB
I will be more than happy to silence all of the "no blue eyeshadow" people.

I don't like blue eyeshadow on me, since it makes my jade-green eyes this odd, nondescript color, but it can look okay on other people, as long as it isn't overdone.
I'm glad, though that there are some neutrals for MEEEEE!

AS IF I'm ever sitting around thinking, "My goodness; I haven't bought anything from MAC in months, so whatever can I buy to get rid of all this nasty excess money I've accummulated?"
Maybe not.


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Re: Cool Heat Discussion

My 21st wedding anniversary is next Friday the 13th and I think a good haul will be a nice gift to myself. I think we should all give a gift to ourselves on our anniversaries just for putting up with a man that long. I have a wonderful hubby but he so doesn’t get my relationship with MAC. So even though I have asked many times on different holidays for MAC gift cards he hasn’t come through yet. Although to be fair on Valentines Day I did get a beautiful Tiffany’s pendant, which was kind of out of character for my logical, engineer hubby. So if he thinks not getting me a gift card is going to help keep me away then the silly man is just fooling himself. So, let the fun begin and I did some pretty good damage with the whole Neo-Sci Fi triple collection.


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Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Originally Posted by GlamYOURUs
I can't wait another week! lol I get paid tomorrow and this week I have been so busy working double shifts all for my crazy MAC obsession and trip to Vegas.
I even bribed some of my co workers and took their shifts on my days off.
Ahhh the things I do for MAC <33
I am still so indecisive about most of the shadows though.
I am sooo going to bring my blue palette in and swatch like crazy. I don't care if I get them stares

You might want to try your freestanding stores, I know mine in Michigan will probably have it.


Well-known member
Re: Cool Heat Discussion

This has probably been covered already, so sorry. But am I right in assuming that if you have Waternymph and Shimmermoss then you can probably skip Gulf Stream? They appear so similar. Can anyone tell me what the differences might be? Thanks


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Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Originally Posted by AudreyNicole
I don't think Climate Blue has a HORRBILE texture, but I would be more inclined to like it if it was a different finish. It doesn't appear to be as hard to blend as a matte, and not as crappy as a Lustre, but I much prefer frost and VP finishes. The color is very pretty, and the hot pink sparkles are very obvious in the pot, but like Beauty Marked (also a velvet) they completely disappear when you blend it out. I think this would be a nice outer corner color where you can consentrate it more, and keep the sparkles intact, or nice as a liner. It leans more toward purple when you pack it on, and turn more navy when you blend it out. I will *probably* get this one. I am on the fence with it. The only one I know for sure I am not getting is Blue Flame. HTH!

Thank you!!!


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Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Originally Posted by AudreyNicole
This is so hard. I am so tempted to get all of the shadows, even though I have colors similar. Part of me is telling myself that I don't need them allllll, but another part of me is having a really hard time accepting that.

LOLLLLLLLLLL OMG too cute I am thinking like that too
I have so many blues and teals but I will probably get all the except maybe Blue Flame (I am thinking Deep Truth dupe and I think I used Deep Truth like 2x) and Climate Blue (I have to swatch it with Fountainbleu)

Yes to Warm Chill, Gulf Stream, and Cool Heat


Well-known member
Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Originally Posted by carrieann07
You're in Buffalo, So do you go to the Macy*s Counter in the Walden Galleria?

They have really nice girls and boy working at that location! They put up with me and my indecisiveness heheh


Well-known member
Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Ladies ...........

I really new to this site and have been lurking for about a month

well i'm really excited about this collection!!!

so far i'm definatly getting:

solar white or nylon
cool heat
warming trend
blue flame or deep truth

i'm on the fence about warm chill........i need to swatch it next to swimming

Just so you know you ladies are awesome and i'm learning sooooooo much from ya'll (i know that word is real country!!! LOL)


Well-known member
Re: Cool Heat Discussion

I saw Cool Heat today-Blue Flame looks exactly like Deep Truth to me.Cool Heat es looks like Big T but texture is REALLY smooth and looks so good with Warm Chill
Turquatic Heat is alright-fresh and pretty smelling.I noticed Tropic Glow was just a little bit shimmery and so beautiful can't wait


Well-known member
Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Originally Posted by panther27
I saw Cool Heat today-Blue Flame looks exactly like Deep Truth to me.Cool Heat es looks like Big T but texture is REALLY smooth and looks so good with Warm Chill
Turquatic Heat is alright-fresh and pretty smelling.I noticed Tropic Glow was just a little bit shimmery and so beautiful can't wait

Oh was it really...I really want Tropic Glow


Well-known member
Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Originally Posted by panther27
I saw Cool Heat today-Blue Flame looks exactly like Deep Truth to me.Cool Heat es looks like Big T but texture is REALLY smooth and looks so good with Warm Chill
Turquatic Heat is alright-fresh and pretty smelling.I noticed Tropic Glow was just a little bit shimmery and so beautiful can't wait

with all of the above!

Great, so now I want Tropic Glow again... writing the list for the 100th time...


Well-known member
Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Originally Posted by patty0411
So, have any of you tried the perfume that is a repromote? Does it smell like anything out already?


the turquatic repromote is the same as normal. the turquatic heat, however, is awesome. as the name implies, its much warmer than turquatic. turquatic reminds me of a tropical island/breezy-beachy smell. turquatic heat makes me think of a hot brazilian or cuban night/sex! imagine what you will!

Originally Posted by AudreyNicole
I think it was Solar White that Shimmer didn't like, not Warm Chill? (She said it is "the secks" (sex). Or maybe she meant "this sucks?"
) Not sure... Solar White does look pink in the pot, but I don't see much pink at all once applied. This is so hard. I am so tempted to get all of the shadows, even though I have colors similar. Part of me is telling myself that I don't need them allllll, but another part of me is having a really hard time accepting that.

I am skipping the Slimshines for now. Gentle Simmer is the only one I REALLY want, and that is permanent, so I will save that for another time.

when i swatched solar white in my book, you can see the slight pink tint, and in the pot, it looks pink only, but on the skin its pure white/gold-a current version of white wheat.

but don't get your hopes up that gentle simmer will be perm. even tho our update book says it is, it also said that girl friendly paint pot was perm, but for some reason its not.

Originally Posted by annie333
Like Tendertones, there is nothing about Slimshines that stands out as a quality product I must, must, must have. ($14.50 for lip balm? Please

shhh, they'll hear you.

Originally Posted by GlamYOURUs
Does anyone know if this collection will be out sooner (a week earlier), like tomorrow at counters?

no ma'am. only pro stores.

give me a few minutes to make swatches and get em posted. i took samples of everything today at work.

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