I keep going back to the promo pics and drooling over all the pretty colors! lol
My want list for sure:
Azalea Blossom blush ombre
Interior Life Quad (though I'm majorly crossing my fingers on the quality of this one - the colors are super pretty!)
I'm skeptical but willing to test out/possibly buy:
Red Dwarf plw
Approaching Storm plw
Aurora piggie
I haven't been bitten by the piggie bug quite yet, and plw I have zero experience with, so we'll see how those pan out

Vintage Grape ombre caught my eye, too, but I think the dark purple would make it look like my NC15 skin got punched, lol. Though I suppose I could go light-handed. I want to like the Cremesheens but I own Looks Like Sin and Double Dare and I constantly have to reapply them, they feather on me like crazy, too.