Originally Posted by airrinleah
Hi All!! Yesterday, I had my demo interview for a freelance position at Carousel Center Mall in Syracuse, NY. I thought I would give you a detailed description of my application demo interview - that's what I was looking for before this experience. I was really excited and before I started my fingers were a little shaky! As soon as I started, though, I was calm and it was a blast! (and by the way.... I GOT THE JOB :-D :-D :-D )
I brought my friend, also named Erin, with me to model. She is *beautiful* and I picked her (aside from the fact that she is my friend) because she doesn't tend to wear makeup, she has beautiful green eyes and red hair, and her skin is freckled and flawless! I definitely recommend bringing someone with nice skin - it makes the job easier.
Erin and I met outside and walked together to the counter. The manager, Holly, and the other MA on the floor, Ricki, greeted me and brought us to the middle of the counter. There was a tall chair set up and we put our stuff on the floor near the chair. Immediately, Holly told me that the all the girls (the morning MAs) were all excited I was interviewing and decided it was a "sure thing" (You gotta love knowing all the MAs by name )That set me at ease right away. Throughout the interview, whenever Holly stepped away, Ricki came over and checked up on me, and asked if I had any questions or needed anything - I felt really comfortable!
Holly told me she was going to pick one of the Culturebloom looks from their manual (not a look on the website, I checked) and actually gathered all of the colors for me and gave me their brush set all set up. She told me I could look around and grab an appropriate foundation and concealer, and anything else I wanted to use for the look. I grabbed prep and prime face and lip, and then looked for foundations. I don't personally use the P&P eye at all, but Holly grabbed the Medium and said "for your base" and so I decided to use it instead of the paint. I was pretty sure Erin was NW20 and it turned out to be a perfect match... unfortunately they had no NW20 in Tech or Fix (the two foundations which I have used) so I grabbed Studio Tint, which I really ended up loving for her skin, and actually believe Tint was better for her than the Tech/Fix would have been.
Holly showed me the look, and allowed me to keep the facechart for the duration of the interview. It used the following:
Lavender Sky, Vellum, Iris Print, and Vapour Shadows, violet underground e/l, dressed brow set
Redd lip liner, trance plant, and culture bloom l/s
Sweet William blushcreme
while Holly went to help a customer, I sanitized my hands first, and then all of the products. I wiped the shadows with a tissue, dipped the eyeliner, lipliner, lipstick, and p&p lip in alcohol and then sharpened the pencils. I found the disposable mascara wands, qtips, spatulas, and petri dishes and took out the brushes I felt particularly comfortable with. Unfortunately, they don't put the 187s or 212s in the belt (both brushes I LOVE) but I found alternatives.
When Holly came back, I started the application. I began by asking Erin about her skin and whether she had moisturized or had on any makeup. I began with the prep and prime skin (from petri dish), describing it to her and then actually having her put some on her hands (that's how an MA got me to buy it - it's SO SMOOTH!) and applied it with the 190. Right away, I started selling the 190 brush, as I love it for primer, moisturizer, and foundation application. I applied the P&P lip and eye at this point, also describing the brushes (316 and 242). I asked Holly about the 187 and whether or not they use them in belts - she said because they are so expensive, they only sell them & so I described the brush to Erin and told her I would show it to her in the end - it's really one of my fav. brushes and I described how I like to use it.
At this point, I lightly applied the foundation from the petri dish, explaining that she didn't need much because of her beautiful skin and I wanted to let her freckles show through. I should mention that Erin didn't necessarily need foundation, but I wanted to show that I could match it to Erin's skin. Holly was with me for about 80% of the application, and I applied eyes, then cheeks, then lips. I talked and taught and used Mac references throughout. Some of the things I brought up:
foundation shouldn't be like a mask - blend in the jawline, don't need to cover the skin - should just be an improvement if improvement is necessary, unless you are going for a different look
described shades of foundation, and why I matched her like I did (look at inner arm - green veins = nc, blue/purple veins = nw, lower numbers for paler skin)
named every product I used (brushes, shadows, sanitizing measures, all product), and explained finishes to shadows, various brushes and what I used them for, and other ideas for the brushes. Also mentioned the differences between brush materials (synthetic , goat hair, etc.) and used this as an opportunity to mention that Mac is cruelty free in their makeup production and brush manufacturing.
labeled parts of the eye (inner v, outer v, lashline, waterline, lid, crease, tear duct area, lower lashline) and briefly explained that dark colors recess and light colors highlight, for eyes (crease vs. lid, browbone) and for other face bone structures.
mentioned ways the look could be altered and adapted to Erin's personal makeup style.
when I was applying makeup and not particularly needing to describe where, or when, I used that time to talk to Erin as a friend about MAC and why I love it - I explained Back2MAC, Viva Glam & Aids Donations, and the Motto.
As I was finishing up , I referenced the picture and cleaned up a few things. I did ask Holly if she had any suggestions or tips and she had me use the 219 to intensify the color in the corners, and blend the right eyeliner a bit. She made a few other suggestions and ta-daa! We were done! It was a shock for me and for my model because a girl who usually wears gloss and a LITTLE pinkish shadow was wearing a smokey purple eye with red/burnt orange lips and blush. It was a riot. She was such a good sport and never flinched 
At this point, Holly asked if she could have a few minutes with me, and Erin took off, as we drove separately. Holly and I went to the food court and.... SHE OFFERED ME THE JOB :-D She hired me for "on-call" and "freelance". I am so, so excited She said that my speaking and 'verbage' was the best or tied for best she has experienced for an interview - I dedicate that to a few things: in my "real" life I am a music teacher, I am used to describing and teaching my way through things, Obsessively reading here and on LJ, studying descriptions on the website (brushes and finishes) and, especially studying things I don't use or have limited exposure to (their mascara, foundation, concealers).
The whole experience took about an hour and a half, and I am going back today for paperwork. I am so totally excited, and looking forward to my first event.
If you have any questions about the process (anything!) I would love to answer them for you. I hope this helps someone going for the interview!!
Erin =)