MAC Demo Interviews - descriptions & questions


Well-known member i wouldnt do that, it would be very obvious, however what you should do is keep your port in your car, so you can always say something like "i actually have my port in my car from an interview this morning, do you want to take a look?" then you can just run out and grab it. even still, i dont think you need it. i never had photos or anything to show when i started, and during my time there i never saw applicants bring any in, so it's def not something they really look for. but if you feel that your images are pretty strong, then by all means show them if they are interested

Originally Posted by Candee Sparks
Aww thanks so much, that helped brighten my spirits! Also, do you think it'd be a good idea to "conveniently" have shots from my portfolio with me when I go to turn in my application? I sometimes have employees that will start up conversations and not sure if I should have some kind of picture material with me so I don't come off as pushy.


Well-known member
hi friends.

so both my initial and demo interviews were just me and the managers/trainer. i finished my demo on wednesday (in which i ROCKED the foundation!!!!!) and i think it went well, but who knows! when i originally got my application, it was given (without me prompting) to me and the next day i had the first interview. that was a week ago today (5/7) and i had the demo on 5/5.

even though i really tried to dig for feedback, the only thing the trainer critiqued my efficiency, she said i need to do and talk at the same time. then she said they had a couple other candidates and that i'll get a call in a week to a week and a half.

my insecurities would like to think she was bluffing about other candidates, since the mua dragged me over to a corner of the counter to fill out the app, but i'm not sure. what did your timelines look like? i know some have done first and demo interviews in one day...


Well-known member
I did my demo on monday and was told I would get a call for the next interview and Im still waiting. The first time though I waited 2 months! So basically if they say they will call, THEY WILL! I thought they would have forgotten but NOPE! be patient and if its too much just call the counter. HTH!


Well-known member
I think I got a call about 3-4 weeks afterwards. It's different for everyone!
mac demo interview.

i dont know if asking this is ridiculous but.. for the demo interview. how are you suppose to apply the makeup when you dont really know the process as far as sanitation goes? for example.. applying a base such as a paint pot.. or applying liner such as fluidline. are we already suppose to know how to scrape out some product and put it on a palette? or are we suppose use the back of our hand?


Well-known member
Re: mac demo interview.

never use the back of your hand for anything. They have little plastic spatulas, and if they're out of those you can use the tops of a mascara wand, or a lip applicator, or anything hard and scrape some out, put it on a tissue or the glass discs then use it
mac demo interview.

i dont know if asking this is ridiculous but.. for the demo interview. how are you suppose to apply the makeup when you dont really know the process as far as sanitation goes? for example.. applying paint pots or fluidlines. are we supposed to already know how to scrape some product out? or something? how does it work?


Well-known member
Nightmare Demo

Alright... so this is seriously bothering me, and I don't know why im having such a hard time but I need to get some input with ya'll (aka: people who understand how weird this is)
so WTF i have had the hardest time understanding this.

I had my demo at MAC today... my interview was AMAZING! Ammmmaaaazinnng. I rocked it. It was on a thursday I think? And my demo was today, tuesday.
It was at 2pm... I got there at like 1:52 with my model.
Went to the counter, introduced myself, said HEY i'm here for my demo! (all poppy and smiley what not) and they were like "what? demo? hmm. whose demo, you? thats weird. who interviewed you? oh thats nice, she didn't tell us we had an interview. oh well. i guess you can take a seat right there."

So I stand around... the store mgr shows me my area blah blah, gives me a belt brush and my customer is going to be "a lawyer who has 15 mins to get ready"..... ok
i went with plums, as my model was a WOC with *beautiful* radiant, flawless skin
her foundation was badass
her blush was badass
her eyeshadow was badass
her lips... i got a little weird with pro-longwear, but we talked about what I would've done to fix and i gave a pretty impressive answer
and i didnt fill in the brows, just used a little bit of brow get (hers were dark and thick, yet very defined)

i got done right on time (was spraying the fix+ as she said time was up)

here's the thing... nobody was near me when I was talking to my "customer", applying the makeup... anything. They didn't hear me talk about the powder finishes, brush numbers/uses, non-synthetic fibers being humanely gathered, Viva glam, B2M; she didn't see me disinfect ANYTHING! (ugh), she didn't see my technique, she didn't hear me describe every single brush and skincare product...etc... and well when it was my turn to receive constructive criticism I took it well (agreed), answered their questions EXTREMELY WELL... not to mention my outfit and face were ROCKIN.

The entire time I was applying makeup they were standing by the register. While I was picking out my colors, the MA had an argument with a customer and they were being pretty weird to each other, and at one point the MA asked the customer "sooo what did you come in here for then?" (in my head i was like GUUUUUUURRRLLLLLL!
) So the entire time I was doing my demo, they were maybe 20-30 ft away talking crap on the other side of the counter about this lady. I felt awful... i studied my ass off for DAYS, both on here and, just to get ignored and then when i'm done with the face they were just like yeah whatever. I literally spoke to them 1 minute before my demo, and 2 minutes after.
is this normal? i guess I expected her to come see my progress, ask me about why I chose what I did etc etc, and all i got was "why did u chose to mix 2 foundations?" (because one was too orange, and the other was too dark... NW45-NW50).

i guess this upsets me so much more because this is the 2nd counter that I've had shady things happen at. The first one, I went in for my interview about a month ago, just for the person on the clock to tell me the person i was supposed to interview with (i was at the right place, btw) was on vacation all week.

weird???? or am I freaking out?

TIA for any feedback, this is bugging the shit out of me. I had an interview at sephora but the SM had some emergency family issues and the hiring process has been delayed, so, although i am a mac lover, im wondering if i should just forget about it.


Well-known member
Re: Nightmare Demo

so sorry can't help u here...but just waiting to read the responses to your tragic situation..sounds like you rocked it with everything..except the folks who were supposed to monitor your work..


Well-known member
Re: Nightmare Demo

Originally Posted by LatteQueen
so sorry can't help u here...but just waiting to read the responses to your tragic situation..sounds like you rocked it with everything..except the folks who were supposed to monitor your work..

im waiting too... it was so awful, i know the makeup looked good but i just wanted to cry!


Well-known member
Re: Nightmare Demo

oh man that really blows...If I were in your shoes I'd call the person who interviewed you and explain to them exactly what you explained to us and tell them that you feel like your skills and knowledge weren't even acknowledged and that you'd really like to do it again with someone watching you.

and no that's not normal. Probably whoever interviewed you forgot to give a heads up to the counter that you were supposed to be doing your demo, so maybe thats why no one was paying attn to one knew about you.

give it another shot


Well-known member
Re: Nightmare Demo

Originally Posted by LC
oh man that really blows...If I were in your shoes I'd call the person who interviewed you and explain to them exactly what you explained to us and tell them that you feel like your skills and knowledge weren't even acknowledged and that you'd really like to do it again with someone watching you.

and no that's not normal. Probably whoever interviewed you forgot to give a heads up to the counter that you were supposed to be doing your demo, so maybe thats why no one was paying attn to one knew about you.

give it another shot

I want to do that, but I'm worried it'll sound naggy... I'm a total MAC girl, but all this makes me wonder if I really wanna work there


Well-known member
Re: Nightmare Demo

Originally Posted by QueenBam
I want to do that, but I'm worried it'll sound naggy... I'm a total MAC girl, but all this makes me wonder if I really wanna work there

Trust me it's very worth it
The pay would be almost double what sephora would offer you. Things get much better once you're on the "inside" with mac, trust me

i really don't think you'd sound naggy, just word it right.

keep trying, don't get discouraged.


Well-known member
Re: Nightmare Demo

Originally Posted by LC
Trust me it's very worth it
The pay would be almost double what sephora would offer you. Things get much better once you're on the "inside" with mac, trust me

i really don't think you'd sound naggy, just word it right.

keep trying, don't get discouraged.

I got it
She said they thought I did great... so i guess my final product must've been just fine, haha. Well, I applied for freelance and she wants me to interview once more for permanent
but i'm pretty much in, right?? haha YAAAAAY


I'm still waiting. It had been a week when I called back after my first interview. She said they were doing call backs next week(which is this week now) so I hope I get a callback for a demo interview.

Do they usually only hire for perm positions through freelancers? Do they just promote them to part time? Or will they still hire for part time from outside the company? I guess I'm just worried and it'd be nice to know if new people applying for part time positions still get hired over freelancers. It would make sense if they only promoted from within, but that would suck for me.


Well-known member
i got hired for perm and wasn't a freelancer first. actually everyone that worked at my store was hired outside the company and was not a freelancer first.


Originally Posted by LC
i got hired for perm and wasn't a freelancer first. actually everyone that worked at my store was hired outside the company and was not a freelancer first.

That gives me lots of hope

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