Mac Demo on 03/26/09


New member
So, last week Sunday I got a call from a MAC manager wanting me to come in on the 26th to do a demo. I've read all the threads about demos so I'm well prepared. I'm just nervous as hell at the moment haha. Any advice to how to calm your nerves???

I do have some questions though?

Do you start as freelance before getting a perm job? At the moment MAC in Hawaii, Oahu to be exact has a job fair going on. I was wondering because there is one would there be a higher or lower chance to getting a job??
Good Luck! I had my interview/demo on thursday 26th of march @ Ala moana "Mac Store" I did great! I got sent to the back and talk more..she ask me if i was interested in perm. i said perm. or freelance is okay w/me
I'll let you know if i got hired..I should know by this coming thursday