I went to my counter today in Nordie's and checked these out! How is it possible that I wanted almost every single color? From pics I wasn't too excited, but then I go to the store and start looking at all of them, started swatching and I am totally in love!
I ended up bringing home Goldyrocks, Utterly Posh, and Funtabulous. I really, really wanted Smile, Money, Honey and Steppin Out, but decided to hold off since theyre perm. But I am still worried about these first batches selling out and then not coming back for months or something sad happening.
I must exercise self control...it's just lipgloss...right? ...argh who am I kidding? I should just order online when they're up so my buddies at my counter don't think I am some kind of lipgloss weirdo...
By the way, Im going to need like ninety backups of Funtabulous if these are ever discontinued because it is my favorite by far! Gorgeous!