MAC - Dress Camp Discussion


Well-known member
Re: Dress Camp discussion

Originally Posted by stv578
Oh my, this is the first time I have seen anything sell out on the first day on the Canadian Site (So far it's just Too Fab). I hope I receive mine, I ordered it in the morning.

agreed... maybe they only had like 5 of them

and when you get yours, could you please swatches it with some other fuchsia lippies please (esp. hollywood nights/full fuchsia/girl about town)


Well-known member
Re: Dress Camp discussion

Thank god I locked in my purchase this afternoon. I got both glosses and my pallette an hour before sell out. I just called the MAC hotline to make sure my order is all good and they said it seems that way so I'm soo happy =]


Well-known member
Re: Dress Camp discussion

Originally Posted by SMMY
You might try MAC pro, if you don't mind paying postage. That is how I got my Y & Kei palette after it soldout at Mac online.

Rumor has it that they won't restock. It was supposed to be a very small collection.

How do I contact MAC pro to get it? By phone or email an artist?


Well-known member
Re: Dress Camp discussion

Ugh I'm really pissed off... I REALLY wanted Too Fab lipstick and it's already gone?!?!? Definitely not in a good mood right now. I also hate how you get a discount on the mac pro site but you HAVE to pay shipping which doesn't really end up as a discount in the long run... Grr.


Well-known member
Re: Dress Camp discussion

So ladies, what do you think the cut off is for ordering? I ordered at 3 and it seems to have gone without a hitch, but no updates yet...


Well-known member
Re: Dress Camp discussion

ahem, i'm starting a petition to restock dress camp, i'm so mad i didn't get a chance to buy it


Re: Dress Camp discussion

I dunno. I ordered at 6pm central time and it went through but my order status still says NA. I ordered the palette and She-Gold. Hopefully my order is okay.


Well-known member
Re: Dress Camp discussion

Originally Posted by .i.hart.MAC.
ahem, i'm starting a petition to restock dress camp, i'm so mad i didn't get a chance to buy it

I'll sign it. It's SO frickin irritating that MAC constantly moves up the release date without any notice, then runs out of stock within a few hours. Crap. pure. crap.

Can you tell I'm crabby now?


Well-known member
Re: Dress Camp discussion

actually MAC almost always releases a collection online on Tuesdays and at counters on Thursdays, so I had my calendar marked for this morning. I figured it might sellout quickly based on previous similar small collections that are designer based. This one even beat Y & Kei for quickest collection disappearing act.

mreichet - I found out at MUA that the collection is sold out at the Pro site as well. Your best bet now is either a CP or the Gone but not forgotten program.

I hate to think of what people will be asking for these on eBay, especially the palette and the lipstick.


Well-known member
Re: Dress Camp discussion

Originally Posted by peacelover18
^I believe they're asking about $30 for the lipstick on Ebay currently.

That's sad, but not surprising.

ETA - I just saw the whole collection up there for $150. Ouch!


Well-known member
Re: Dress Camp discussion

Originally Posted by BeautyPsycho
I ordered today around 5pm, and it's still "Status N/A"

Mine says the same thing but I called the hotline and they said the order went through. You can call the MAC hotline and give your order number to just make sure.


Well-known member
Re: Dress Camp discussion

Hmm the status of my order states "NO STATUS" So naturally I would be worried. So I call the order line to check what the hey is going on and shes all We cant check that after 11pm...and in Hawaii its only 6:00pm...Sucks...I really hope that they dont jib me!!


Well-known member
Re: Dress Camp discussion

At least, I have no excuse to try and order the palette now. I'm so glad I got She-Gold and that was it!

I knew it would sell out, to be honest. The gold one does look beautiful.


Well-known member
Re: Dress Camp discussion

Hmmm...I ordered in the A. of M. and just checked my MAC account and my order says 'pending', but the order status of each item says 'accepted.' Hope that means it went through.


Well-known member
Re: Dress Camp discussion

No, my status is not available! I ordered around 2pm Pacific time too...

But I was told that as long as the item was in stock when I had ordered it, I should get it. I called them.


Well-known member
Re: Dress Camp discussion

Originally Posted by Divinity
Hmmm...I ordered in the A. of M. and just checked my MAC account and my order says 'pending', but the order status of each item says 'accepted.' Hope that means it went through.

Yes, it does.


Well-known member
Re: Dress Camp discussion

I checked at around 1:30 PM PST and Too Fab was already sold out. Not fair because I was up until 3 AM PST (not for Dress Camp of course!) and I checked right before I went to sleep and Dress Camp wasn't even up yet. Uh whatever MAC.


Well-known member
Re: Dress Camp discussion

Originally Posted by astronaut
I checked at around 1:30 PM PST and Too Fab was already sold out. Not fair because I was up until 3 AM PST (not for Dress Camp of course!) and I checked right before I went to sleep and Dress Camp wasn't even up yet. Uh whatever MAC.

Same here..was up all night refreshing until I finally decided to give up at 3 and sleep. I had no idea it was going to be sold out soooo quick!