Originally Posted by Glassdoll i wonder why they would have it in certain countries but not available at all locations, i can't be travelling 4 hours or so to go get me some of this stuff...
Originally Posted by mreichert I'm all about this collection- can't wait!
Must. have. it. all.
This is the first time in a long time, that I'm thinking of picking up everything from a collection. And the packaging and the colors are a big part of that.
Originally Posted by ledonatella Now I like this much better than Fafi or Heatherette, esp. the packaging, it's so freakin hot!
Complete agreement. I like this packaging so much better than the Xmas ones. It is like a riff on those ornate packages but with a whole lot of fun thrown in with the zebra print. It's eighties diva to the max appeal. I want the whole darn collection and I never say that.
Originally Posted by callmeyummie314 i was wondering if someone could help me. i read in the color story that "dresscamp pink" is a beauty powder. however, in the product swatches the members are posting it as a blush?? can someone clarify which of the two it actually is?
Oh no looks like I am going to have to order online which I hate doing,but I am really really wanting this bad so I don't have much of a choice.This collection is so pretty
Congratulations on getting it early. Please share your thoughts about it, when you have had a chance to play with it.
I'm actually thinking of making a road trip to S.F. MAC when this collection comes out.
uh, i'm not sure about it now after seeing the swatches. They look glittery again, or maybe that's just the photos? While I love the pink BP blush, i'm not all that thrilled with the shadows. I want to see the lip colors
snowkei made swatches about DressCamp and beauty powder blushes, click here. Gosh... I hate her sometimes. What a pretty blush, I love blue-tone pink so much!