MAC $ each month


Well-known member
I've spent over $1000 a month before. (That's when I just started so I started buying a lot of essentials)

Now it's getting better, it's only approx $500-$600 a month


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Yushimi
I've spent over $1000 a month before. (That's when I just started so I started buying a lot of essentials)

Now it's getting better, it's only approx $500-$600 a month

Hearing that makes me feel alot better about my spending....thank you!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by 2browneyes
Hearing that makes me feel alot better about my spending....thank you!

Lolz no problem. But my theory is basically, "I like, I buy."
But you're talking to a shopaholic with no limit basically. It's not good for anyone to come shopping with me LOLZ


Well-known member
I'm a fairly new MAC addict, and its been roughly 5 weeks since I've started buying mac and I already have bought 8 different I'm sure its safe to say I'll probably spend $100 a month.


Well-known member
I just got into MAC since January and I would guess I've spent a little over $400 since then, pretty much just buying the essentials. What I plan to budget each month, I really haven't decided yet. I still have a loooong list of things I want, but all of them are in the permanent collection, so we'll see.


Well-known member
I know I spent over $300 this past month because of the LE's and buying stuff online. After LofL collection I am on a no buy!!I tend to buy my mac stuff in bulk about 3x a yr. I only started last yr and I got stuff from style warriors and make up art cosmetics collection and some stuff around the holidays.


Well-known member
For the first few months of this year, I regret that it's been about $200-250 a month- wayyyy too much! But, I am now committing to a new rule, and that's going to be a 2-3 pieces MAX per collection. And by collection I mostly mean the big collections, not the dinky supplementary collections that come out in between. So like for To the Beach I will get 2-3 items, but a collection like Riveting, maybe just 1 thing. That way I will have time to enjoy everything a little more before the next collection comes out, and I'll have time to use some of my older stuff. I'm looking forward to the balance it will give my life (and wallet)


Well-known member
I buy from Mac every month. My spending fluctuates. If I had to guess, I'd say I spend between $200-$300 a month.

bad girl glam

Well-known member
for the past few months I've spent $300 dollars a month. i might buy one or two things this month and next month which should be $50-$60 each month. i buy a lot because i'm building up my professional kit.


Active member
For me it differs, like one time I'll spend like 300 (I'm from Oz so it's in AUS Dollars) and other times I'll buy an eyeshadow here and there.
I'd say approximately I spend about the same as you. But in the last few weeks I've drawn myself up a budget and have put about $20 a week away for make-up (and an extra $15 a week for make-up for my course so it's not too bad). I think that I'm at the point where I have so much that I don't really need any more (except for foundations when they run out etc.), I just want more XD.
So far it's going well. At the start it was hard (it still is) but it gets easier and is nice to know where all my money's going instead of going on big spend-ups all the time haha!

Steel Magnolia

Well-known member
Hmmm.. Theres no MAC counter near me - I have to take an hour long train journey so I believe that prevents me from spending loads frequently. (It also means that unfortunately, I often miss out on new and exciting collections

So basically I only get to mac every few months. Buttt I spend loads when I go - for my Bday last year I spent €600 in one go! Normally Id spend bout €150 though


Well-known member
I hadn't bought anything in about a year so I went a little crazy this month and have spent about $150 and that's it in all that time. Though with all the collections coming out that I'm eyeing I'll probably be dedicating a couple paychecks to them.