MAC Early Buzz - news on products for 2012


Well-known member
Who wants color stories?I went to the MAC counter today and got all this info from the managers book!I will post in the appropriate threads.


Well-known member
Dec 26
Haute & naughty too black lash $19

Jan 5
Mineralize skincare (all perm)

Min charged water cleanser $23
Min charged water moisture gel $37
Min charged water moisture eye cream $35
Min charged water face and body lotion $32
Min charged water renewal defense (asia only)
Min charged water youth aura (asia only)


Well-known member
Awww, the calendar is lovely! Thank you, Lou! You're the best!

Who wants color stories?I went to the MAC counter today and got all this info from the managers book!I will post in the appropriate threads.


Well-known member
mac are going to be doing a poll soon where people can vote for their fave le items and whichever get the most votes are going to be brought back for a collection next year! woo hoo!


Well-known member
mac are going to be doing a poll soon where people can vote for their fave le items and whichever get the most votes are going to be brought back for a collection next year! woo hoo!
Great news! I wish I had a longer perspective on Mac than a few years.


Well-known member
Wow, I've woken up to MAC information overload this morning!

mac are going to be doing a poll soon where people can vote for their fave le items and whichever get the most votes are going to be brought back for a collection next year! woo hoo!

Fantastic idea


Well-known member
mac are going to be doing a poll soon where people can vote for their fave le items and whichever get the most votes are going to be brought back for a collection next year! woo hoo!

omg, this is perfect!!! I may have only been into mac for a few years, but I keep looking back at older collections and hearing you lovely ladies talk about past products makes me wish I had them, now I'm just awaiting the polls


Well-known member
mac are going to be doing a poll soon where people can vote for their fave le items and whichever get the most votes are going to be brought back for a collection next year! woo hoo!
is it too early to start the queen's sin bandwagon? man, i've been so out the loop about mac in the past months, loads to catch up on!


Well-known member
MAC doing a poll of which LE items will be in next years collections?! That is a great idea!! I'm hoping there will be more HTF items in next years collections!


Well-known member
mac are going to be doing a poll soon where people can vote for their fave le items and whichever get the most votes are going to be brought back for a collection next year! woo hoo!

I'm so excited, I think I might pass out......


Well-known member
How did I miss this? This is a fantastic idea! Go MAC!!!! Any idea when this poll will be avail & if it will be on their website?

MAC doing a poll of which LE items will be in next years collections?! That is a great idea!! I'm hoping there will be more HTF items in next years collections!


Well-known member
is it too early to start the queen's sin bandwagon? man, i've been so out the loop about mac in the past months, loads to catch up on!
I'd be surprised if this one doesn't get voted back. I, for one, will vote for Epic :D


Well-known member
I have a crazy question. I have to apologize if I missed it somewhere, but my brain seems to have stopped working due to the stress here at work.

What happened to the Ardent & Twilight Falls collections? Are they both now considered to be under the Naturally collection?
