MAC Early Buzz - news on products for 2012


Well-known member
Is HerGreyness (did i say it right?) still on the boards? I haven't seen her post in awhile but maybe she would recognize those lipglosses and which collections they belong to?


Well-known member
Usually when Mac does oddball colours, the pigmentation is really light, so they serve more to modify other shades. I have jealous from Fabulous Felines and I love wearing it over coral lipsticks to give them a slightly more toned-down look. Really, it imparts a bit of a sheen, like having a green shimmer in another base colour.
yeah i have the blue and greeny one from fab felines and you are right - they just add a different tone to lipsticks. the blue one looks great over blue based pinks :) so don't be put off by the crazy looking colours guys! :)


Well-known member
i am still waiting for moxie to appear in a color story. do you think it might be in the beth ditto collection?or is there a separate collection with oldies but goldies stuff?
i want glamoursun lipglass too but not holding my breath... dont mind me i am just wishing!


Well-known member
I hope that this comes out! Wizard of Oz would be AMAZING! It will probably be released around the time of the movie (Oz: the Great and Powerful) but that doesn't come out until 2013 :(


Well-known member
i  am still waiting for moxie to appear in a color story. do you think it might be in the beth ditto collection?or is there a separate collection with oldies but goldies stuff? i want glamoursun lipglass too but not holding my breath... dont mind me i am just wishing!
Maybe the reel sexy collection??


Specktra Bestie
I hope that this comes out! Wizard of Oz would be AMAZING! It will probably be released around the time of the movie (Oz: the Great and Powerful) but that doesn't come out until 2013 :(

Well, chances are that they've already done a lot of their planning for 2013, so maybe that is it...


Well-known member
I may be wrong, but didn't HG mention (awhile ago, a long long while ago) that for 2013 MAC may come out with gel based lipsticks? Am I wrong? Did I just imagine that or is it just my wish? Anyone else remember that being mentioned?

Well, chances are that they've already done a lot of their planning for 2013, so maybe that is it...


Well-known member
the new minerals will change next month. i go to training tomorrow so i can can confirm color stories and question tomorrow evening


Well-known member
Too lazy to go grab my book, but the mineralized shadows that are coming back are more duos and then the ones that came out with SB and VV :)


Well-known member

No, you're not insane. I'm pretty sure HG did say that something like that was coming out in 2013. They're still getting some stuff together, but she seemed pretty excited about it if I remember right.


Well-known member
... But that's not what you should be excited about. You should be excited about the new P+P products...