MAC Early Buzz - News on Products for 2013


Well-known member
HERGREYNESS!!!!!! Welcome back.

Mother of Pearl looks beautiful. I hope you get well soon. I also can't wait to find out a little more on the upcoming Fall 2013 products.

In my fevered state, I just remembered I have been using a product/prototype.. called Mother of Pearl. I love it and I think most of you will too.. when it's released for Fall 2013 ! It gives a gorgeous skin glow to the eyelids, tearduct area as well as the top of cheekbone.. it is an amazing product. Notice the nacre / pearl like finish!


hope I get the pic right!


Well-known member
I am with you on that. Its like LE collection withdrawal or something.
That could be the cure. Either that, or more cowbell.
I need to try Jete. I have many LE things I snatched up in a frenzy that are waiting to be tried. Many are brighter colors & I have been stuck on a neutrals kick lately, but I am going to develop a system to try something new every day until each and every little thing gets tried.
to do this day, I don't get the cowbell reference. someone help!?!?!


Well-known member
I need that e/s duo!! Isn't that the RiRi loves MAC powder? I'm wondering if the e/s duo is going to be a new one coming out in the All About Orange Collection or Temperature Rising Collection maybe? Thoughts anyone?


Well-known member
I found another pic of the gold fluidline on Instagram:
NOTE: This is a borrowed pic from username xoreds.


Well-known member
In my fevered state, I just remembered I have been using a product/prototype.. called Mother of Pearl. I love it and I think most of you will too.. when it's released for Fall 2013 ! It gives a gorgeous skin glow to the eyelids, tearduct area as well as the top of cheekbone.. it is an amazing product. Notice the nacre / pearl like finish!


hope I get the pic right!
It's been a hell of a long time HG! Good to have you back.


Active member
Omg I feel the same way the anticipation is killing me! Hurry up Mac!!!! !
I'm so bored with MAC these days. I need promo pics, swatches, color stories, anything to get me excited again. I ended up skipping Archie's. I really liked Betty Bright and Cream Soda, but eventually not enough to spend my money on them, I somehow lost interest while waiting for the collection to be released here. And stuff was sold out in minutes, if you blinked you missed it, so I would've missed out even if I had decided to buy something. I want the color story of Temperature Rising, the big mineralize collection or the Rick Baker one. Bring it on, MAC! 

Miss Dynamite

Well-known member
HerGreyness! Good to hear from you again. 'Hope all is well and you are extra-super-fabulous!

I really like that bright purple lipglass jumbled in with the clear squeeze tubes - reminds me of my beloved Butterfly Party plushglass from Vera.
Maybe it's Heroine?


Well-known member
I really like that bright purple lipglass jumbled in with the clear squeeze tubes - reminds me of my beloved Butterfly Party plushglass from Vera.
Enlarged pic, I am not sure but it seem to me like the two shadows may be Opalesse and Zesty from Extra Dimension 2013. Maybe the balms are from BB Collection?


Well-known member

Another version of the Mother of pearl -- this one may be the "glossing" effect which many were using during the fashion shows.. not the sheen effect. The sheen effect may be for the new cream shadows... but this is definitely a gel like extremely glossy surface.

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