I came home with a massive headache, but after a nice supper and looking through this thread, I feel much better. Part of my feels the need to remind us all to stick to the thread topic, but it's currently being drowned out by the squee.Cuteness overload. Tx for sharing all the pics of your furr babies, everyone. I was in such a bad mood this morning. Now I am feeling all cute and cuddly inside.![]()
Very true, but it's hard to say no so such cute pictures of doggies, kitties, and ferrets.We are soooo off topic! :haha:
Agreed! Let's blame elegant-one! She's such an enabler! :haha:Very true, but it's hard to say no so such cute pictures of doggies, kitties, and ferrets.
I worked hard to teach my cat to keep off the kitchen counters. I would grab her by the scruff of the neck (not too hard) and hiss in her face. After a few times i never saw her on the counters again. When i got home from work, there were little kitty foot prints on the counters sometimes, but i guess it was from a flying cat...I mean, a hairy kitchen counter is bad. Hairy makeup is what nightmares are made of.
It's amazing what their sweet little faces an unconditional love can do for our souls, isn't it? So, how is that kitten/cat doing, that your friend is fostering.I came home with a massive headache, but after a nice supper and looking through this thread, I feel much better. Part of my feels the need to remind us all to stick to the thread topic, but it's currently being drowned out by the squee.
(I also shouldn't be looking at this because we have four cats and we just met one who a friend is fostering and who is really tempting...)
My ears perked up.I might be able to share some big news later. Stay tuned!![]()
I might be able to share some big news later. Stay tuned!![]()
We have 3 cats and their personalities are so different and have changed since they were babies. We have litter-mates Snowflake and Rascal both long hair that appear to be part Maine Coon. They are 18.5 yrs. We got them for my daughter on her 6th birthday. Snowflake used to be quite the prim proper princess. And she'd let you know that she expected to be treated like one. She was kind of like Marie on The Aristacats. But boy has she become quite the little bitchy bitty the last couple of years. She is a totally different cat. She will "tell" you off if she doesn't like something doing things she never did before.
Rascal still has her little round kitten face with big round eyes. She is the mothering type and makes sure that we are alerted if there is even the slightest chance that a spot of the bottom of their food bowl might be seen. And if one of their water bowls is getting low. She will hunt you down wherever you're at in the house and stand at your feet and bitch at you until you follow her in that room and watch you to make sure the bowl is filled to an acceptable level. She also has started to do this odd howling or something to that effect at the top of her lungs late at night. I've heard cats do weird howl like noise but hers doesn't even resemble a cat. I think she becomes possessed at those times. We keep expecting her head to spin around like in the Exorcist.
And then there is Smokey. Honestly I don't know what he'd do if it weren't for Rascal. He doesn't know how to bathe himself. He walks up to her and sticks his face in hers and lowers his head so she can wash his face & head. Smokey is 14 but he doesn't know this. I don't even think he knows he's a cat. If you have anything with artificial strawberry he will come after you. My daughter will open a strawberry Nutri-grain bar and he comes running from wherever and gets right in her face and trys to take it from her. He's like in attack mode to take it out of her hand or mouth. He does this with Ravioli also. It is after 4am and he is spazzing up and down the steps, through all the romms, back up, fly down and running into what we call his cave. Its a space in the corner that he can shoot right through between the sofa and chair. There is a table there so he has his own little place. The other two don't go in there. He runs and hides in there when it storms. And then there is the stair rolling. Every morning when my daughter was in middle & high school he would go lay on his side as far up the stairs as the banister went. She would stand on the other side and put her fingers through and wiggle them, not even touching him. He would roll over and flop down a step and as she moved her hand going all the way down he'd keep rolling and flopping. When he got to the bottom he got up and ran back to the top to do it all again. It was quite funny to watch but very odd. He once leaned out through the banister from the top and slowly kept leaning until he fell straight out down to the floor. When my daughter was younger and played with Barbies he got one of the heads and carried it around the house. It had long blonde crimped hair so it looked like our grey striped cat had a long blonde beard. But to be fair Rascal used to carry a Barbie leg around sideways in her mouth. To watch one of them casually walk into the room with their extra head or leg was pretty funny. Rascal always had her leg and Smokey his head. They respected each others extra body part.
Also unlike a normal cat he hasn't hacked up a furball in his 14 yrs. He almost did a few times but he thought he was going to literally die. It was like watching a very bad B western where a guy gets shot and over acts a slow falling down excruciating death. The first time we saw this he made a little noise & he stopped dead in his tracks and looked around like something was going to come out from the wall and eat him. He had the most frightful look on his face with his eyes all huge. He made another almost hacking sound and he had a look of OMG is that coming from me. And then he seriously fell straight over on his side, not like a slow lay down. He was like a wooden cat figurine that you touched and it tipped over. It was the most dramatic slow motion scene, just like a horribly bad actor. We love him but the poor little thing is just stupid. Sometimes we call him dumbkin. He does amuse us though. There is always something hes up to.
And then there was my beloved sweet baby thats in my pic. He was a mama's boy and absolutely without question the best friend I've ever had. He comforted me through my mother's death and my son's two tours of duty in Iraq as a Marine. He could tell if I was upset or worried and would come put his head on my shoulder and l"d put my arms around him and he'd put his warm face up against the side of mine. He'd stay there as long as i needed to cry or whatever. I could have those emotional meltdowns with him and not feel embarrased. He was always there to comfort me without judgment. If I wanted to sit in the floor and read through old letters (back when people did that) and cards from that my mother sent me it was ok to sit and cry while doing so. It was like he understood my hurt and never gave me the look of just get over it as some people will do. He and I spent all day together while the kids were at school and hubby at work. It broke my heart to lose him. He lived to be almost 16 and the life span of a Sheltie is 12 to 14. I was so blessed to have him in my life especially as long as I did.
Sorry...way off topic. I wanted to share my crazy bunch of furbabies. They may be work to care for them but let me tell you in no uncertain words. They are a breeze compared to raising
Oh Shadowaddict, thank you so much for sharing those stories! I literally laughed till I started to cry about the furball story. So funny!We have 3 cats and their personalities are so different and have changed since they were babies. We have litter-mates Snowflake and Rascal both long hair that appear to be part Maine Coon. They are 18.5 yrs. We got them for my daughter on her 6th birthday. Snowflake used to be quite the prim proper princess. And she'd let you know that she expected to be treated like one. She was kind of like Marie on The Aristacats. But boy has she become quite the little bitchy bitty the last couple of years. She is a totally different cat. She will "tell" you off if she doesn't like something doing things she never did before.
Rascal still has her little round kitten face with big round eyes. She is the mothering type and makes sure that we are alerted if there is even the slightest chance that a spot of the bottom of their food bowl might be seen. And if one of their water bowls is getting low. She will hunt you down wherever you're at in the house and stand at your feet and bitch at you until you follow her in that room and watch you to make sure the bowl is filled to an acceptable level. She also has started to do this odd howling or something to that effect at the top of her lungs late at night. I've heard cats do weird howl like noise but hers doesn't even resemble a cat. I think she becomes possessed at those times. We keep expecting her head to spin around like in the Exorcist.
And then there is Smokey. Honestly I don't know what he'd do if it weren't for Rascal. He doesn't know how to bathe himself. He walks up to her and sticks his face in hers and lowers his head so she can wash his face & head. Smokey is 14 but he doesn't know this. I don't even think he knows he's a cat. If you have anything with artificial strawberry he will come after you. My daughter will open a strawberry Nutri-grain bar and he comes running from wherever and gets right in her face and trys to take it from her. He's like in attack mode to take it out of her hand or mouth. He does this with Ravioli also. It is after 4am and he is spazzing up and down the steps, through all the romms, back up, fly down and running into what we call his cave. Its a space in the corner that he can shoot right through between the sofa and chair. There is a table there so he has his own little place. The other two don't go in there. He runs and hides in there when it storms. And then there is the stair rolling. Every morning when my daughter was in middle & high school he would go lay on his side as far up the stairs as the banister went. She would stand on the other side and put her fingers through and wiggle them, not even touching him. He would roll over and flop down a step and as she moved her hand going all the way down he'd keep rolling and flopping. When he got to the bottom he got up and ran back to the top to do it all again. It was quite funny to watch but very odd. He once leaned out through the banister from the top and slowly kept leaning until he fell straight out down to the floor. When my daughter was younger and played with Barbies he got one of the heads and carried it around the house. It had long blonde crimped hair so it looked like our grey striped cat had a long blonde beard. But to be fair Rascal used to carry a Barbie leg around sideways in her mouth. To watch one of them casually walk into the room with their extra head or leg was pretty funny. Rascal always had her leg and Smokey his head. They respected each others extra body part.
Also unlike a normal cat he hasn't hacked up a furball in his 14 yrs. He almost did a few times but he thought he was going to literally die. It was like watching a very bad B western where a guy gets shot and over acts a slow falling down excruciating death. The first time we saw this he made a little noise & he stopped dead in his tracks and looked around like something was going to come out from the wall and eat him. He had the most frightful look on his face with his eyes all huge. He made another almost hacking sound and he had a look of OMG is that coming from me. And then he seriously fell straight over on his side, not like a slow lay down. He was like a wooden cat figurine that you touched and it tipped over. It was the most dramatic slow motion scene, just like a horribly bad actor. We love him but the poor little thing is just stupid. Sometimes we call him dumbkin. He does amuse us though. There is always something hes up to.
And then there was my beloved sweet baby thats in my pic. He was a mama's boy and absolutely without question the best friend I've ever had. He comforted me through my mother's death and my son's two tours of duty in Iraq as a Marine. He could tell if I was upset or worried and would come put his head on my shoulder and l"d put my arms around him and he'd put his warm face up against the side of mine. He'd stay there as long as i needed to cry or whatever. I could have those emotional meltdowns with him and not feel embarrased. He was always there to comfort me without judgment. If I wanted to sit in the floor and read through old letters (back when people did that) and cards from that my mother sent me it was ok to sit and cry while doing so. It was like he understood my hurt and never gave me the look of just get over it as some people will do. He and I spent all day together while the kids were at school and hubby at work. It broke my heart to lose him. He lived to be almost 16 and the life span of a Sheltie is 12 to 14. I was so blessed to have him in my life especially as long as I did.
Sorry...way off topic. I wanted to share my crazy bunch of furbabies. They may be work to care for them but let me tell you in no uncertain words. They are a breeze compared to raising