MAC Early Buzz - News on Products for 2013


Well-known member
Same link as above
Glimpse of flesh e/s Stormy pink p/p Feed the sense l/s


Well-known member
Clearwater Paint Pot on first model (on lower lash line):


Well-known member
Same model in above pic wearing Clearwater Paint Pot:


Well-known member
High Energy Lip Pencil & Runway Hit Lipstick:


Well-known member
More MAC : GET THE LOOK - MAKEUP: All makeup by M.A.C. Kendal was inspired by a Sixties-era Mia Farrow, which translated to peaches-and-cream colors on the eyes, cheeks and lips. Saddle and Arena Eye Shadows on the eyes, Peaches Blush, and new colors that aren't out yet for lips called Ember Glow and Ms. Choi.


Well-known member
ORLY? I only use if I need to get something really caked on there off, like Paint Pot leavings. Will it damage the bristles?
I've always had super curly hair - ringlets! And I've always loved it - never got it straightened even once. As I get older, it gets a little harder to keep it healthy and not frizzy, but I never want to go straight!
If they can't handle my hair, who needs 'em!


Well-known member
I missed out on last year's Marilyn Monroe lipsticks. I ran across this pic. Is this going to be the REPROMOTES?


Well-known member
more new products:

Damson Pressed Pigment
Clearwater p/p
High Energy Pro Longwear Lip Pencil
Runway Hit l/s
Feed The Senses l/s (love the name)
Glimpse Of Flesh e/s
Yes more cream paint pots! (Well i hope they are cream lol) I hate the frosty ones.
i have otherworldy paint pot which might make me skip clearwater p/p though. We shall see when swatches comes out


Well-known member
Cold pressed is even better!
Cold pressed is better for your skin (that's what they say), but since we are talking about the smell, light is the way to go! When I make soaps and skincare, I always choose light because all the cold pressed and extra virgin oils I tried had a strong smell and I could smell it in the formula. If you don't care for the smell, then go for it!


Well-known member
I'm having problems with the site for well over two months now, especially the unread posts part. Really annoying when reading threads that are on fire. That is the reason I missed a whole lot of posts from AG. Different browsers do not make a difference. I hoped the problem would be solved by now...
I'm also having the problem, still. Home, work, Mac, PC, you name it. Only my iPhone seems to work, but I use that only when travelling (not so often), and - sometimes the NP thread seems to be ok, too (?).


Well-known member
Thank you, Naynadine and everyone who is finding all these cool new products and photos. I'm getting excited again. I need constant stimulation of new makeup. Now back to re-reading the posts and looking at all the new photos.

more new products:

Damson Pressed Pigment
Clearwater p/p
High Energy Pro Longwear Lip Pencil
Runway Hit l/s
Feed The Senses l/s (love the name)
Glimpse Of Flesh e/s


Well-known member
My hair was always super curly also. Unfortunately, my mom wasn't into girly type stuff and always kept my hair extremely short growing up (I mean short like a boy short). When I finally wanted it to grow out, it was mad Shirley Temple curls and I didn't know how to handle them or how to style them because my mom was never interested. I always grew up with friends with straight hair and that is always what I wanted. Now, I LOVE my curls, but I enjoy having it straightened out after my cut as a treat and to make sure that the stylist didn't cut too much off and that it's even in the back (I go nuts if it's not even in the back). You remind me of my cousin who also has very curly hair and has never had it striaghtened or blown out. I wish I could go back in time and love my curls. I did so much crap to my hair that it may have been a lot more thicker and curlier if I didn't have it relaxed and processed do much over time. Boo on me!
Enjoy your beautiful naturally super curly hair liba! I'm jealous!

I've always had super curly hair - ringlets! And I've always loved it - never got it straightened even once. As I get older, it gets a little harder to keep it healthy and not frizzy, but I never want to go straight!
If they can't handle my hair, who needs 'em!


Well-known member
YAY....hopefully there will be more retro mattes!

I would love bright pinks/magentas and purples with this finish

Thank you for sharing, VampyCouture!

"To create the fluorescent lips, Pecheaux first prepped them with MAC Lip Conditioner and then outlined and filled them with the red-orange MAC Pro Longwear Lip Pencil in High Energy. To perfect the look, he topped the mouth with the pale peach MAC Retro Matte Lipstick in Runway Hit."

Runway Hit lipstick is a retro matte!


Well-known member
Yes more cream paint pots! (Well i hope they are cream lol) I hate the frosty ones.
i have otherworldy paint pot which might make me skip clearwater p/p though. We shall see when swatches comes out
My Otherworldly PP is mummy dust (almost) so I'd love something similar to it or Rollickin'. I like the looks of Stormy Pink on the Face Chart, hoping its like Girl Friendly or Nubile, somewhere in that area but a cool pink with maybe some silver shimmer. I will love any pink though!

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