MAC "Eh"s?


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palettes in general. they claim to be easier to use, i tend to think the exact opposite, with both eye and lip palettes. i just don't remember to use them that often, and when i do, they seem messy. the colors seem to bleed dust onto one another, the lip palettes get messy, and the brushes, if you use them ones in the palette, get sparkle dust or lipgloss residue all over the case. plus, i've found the lip ones are inconvenient because you ALWAYS have to use a lip brush, and i've also found the eyeshadow quality, in some instances, isn't as good as the pot/pan counterparts. i've sold most of my eyeshadow palettes, because i never got any use out of them.

paints. harder to use than shadesticks, they take longer to apply and dry, and the colors are nowhere near as vivid.

select spf 15 foundation, face and body foundation, studio matte foundation. just wasn't impressed with these. iu love studio fix fluid.

the technacolor eyeshadow release. i think that was the collections name. the one with all the gorgeous colors, in velvet finishes, which looked gorgeous in the pots, and horrible when applied. bad color payoff, bad finish, and those stupid sparkles.


Well-known member
Midimauve lipstick - matte and ugh!
Kitschmas pigment - exactly the same as All Girl pigment on me.
Tendered Powerpoint - was this suppose to show up on anyone? It's a light pink/cream sort of colour. Eh?
Dazzleray Pigment - Shimmer/glitter overload? I know some people like it, but I absolutely HATE it. Same with Softwash Grey. It's not too bad though.


Well-known member
Lipglasses in general have been disappointing to me. Sorry, but they're too sticky, and the colors tend to be too damned frosty.

Sadly? Budding lustreglass. So pretty in the tube, but on me it barely shows up. If I use it without balm underneath, it's brighter, but it fades within an hour.

Most of the pink e/s, because it's hard to get them to show up.

PAINTS. For some reason, they flake on my lids, which makes it look like my eyelids are peeling. No matter what I do, it always happens. Shadesticks are much better for me.

Teddy eyeliner. Pretty color, but no lasting power, and it smudges like crazy on me.

Fluidlines. I've got a few colors, and I hardly ever use them. I reach for my Buried Treasure eyeliner more often, or I just don't use eyeliner at all.

THE MASCARAS. I honestly thought Zoomlash was gonna be great, but the wand SUCKS. It makes the mascara go on all clumpy, which makes my lashes get heavy and lose their curl. As for Fibre Rich, it smudged a lot.


Well-known member
Trax....need to get rid of this
Slip pink no color pay off
Any of the glitz and glosses....and the sweetie cake glosses that looked so pretty in the pot...hmm waste of money
Rose pigment and pink bronze


Well-known member
Originally Posted by eowyn797;621309
Naked pigment,yeah, 2nd that. also [B

Entremauve[/b] and Subtle...they are just not...what i wanted them to be or they are way too close to other things in my book.

Idol Eyes, Retrospeck, Honesty...Lustre finish e/s in general (Swimming, Gleam and Mythology excepted on account of my irrational love for them)

How interesting. I love "Subtle" so much that I got rather hysterical and bought two full-sizes.
And I like "Idol Eyes," though I must admit that I don't wear it often.
Also, several people mentioned disliking the matte lipsticks. I like those for their long wear, and most of all for their generous pigmentation.
It is true that they can be dry. However, I wear balm underneath and gloss on top, and they work fine for me.
But I live in a warm climate(Texas), have oily skin, and am obsessive about keeping balm on my lips.


Well-known member
Studio Fix Fluid - so wanted this to be my HG foundation, but colors don't match (turned orange) and doesn't look good on me at all
Trax e/s - ok when used sparingly, but usually gives me the bruised look

I'm usually pretty good about picking stuff that works for me, but I'm sure there is something else I own that I don't like...


Well-known member
-the flaky/chunky/glittery textured pigments (rose, frost, pink bronze etc) . . . I don't even think Pink Bronze is supposed to be that texture, but my batch is like that.

-add all the other chunky/glittery crap (shimmersouffles, glitz glosses, glimmershimmers, the glitter liners, the lipglasses with big hunks of sparkle in them - are there more?

-the really glittery MSFs (like Naked You, even though I gotta have 'em LOL). . .

-pretty much all of the Culturebloom, Technacolour, and Lure shadows (with the exception of Waternymph)

-the sheer colour extracts (so pretty in the tube but useless as dried paste when put on. . . in fact, they were impossible to put on in the first place)

-the idea of chromeglasses (although I have to admit, they did do an ok job on them and a few I really liked -- lol isn't sorry this supposed to be a bashing, not a praising?)

-+ some of the promo advertisement pictures I've thought were kinda horrific


Well-known member
When I started this thread, I wasn't trying to "bash" MAC; I LOVE MAC!
I was just curious about which, if any, MAC products have underwhelmed others.
Personally, my reaction to a MAC product is extremely unlikely to be, "Eh, why did I waste my money on this?
About 75% of the time, my reaction is instead, "Oooh; this is gorgeous!
I have to buy more before this is sold out or discontinued!"

I have the lack of storage space to prove it ...


Well-known member
I'm totally underwhelmed with Dainty Cake and Cockatease...especially after all of the hype. They look great on a lot of peeps...but not me!
Most products that are initially "blah" I play around with and figure out a way to get um to work for me. I still hate prep and prime eye and "Goddess" lipstick though.

Chic 2k6

Well-known member
i despise Pompous Blue, but my mom loves it. I like my Zandra l/s but its too pink for me to wear


Well-known member
Originally Posted by flowerhead
Sea me shadestick. Beautiful colour, but it hurt my eyelid trying to rub the colour off on it. If anyone has any tips on smooth application, help would be greatly appreciated =)

it seems like some shadesticks just dont work well. maybe at the factory, some of the tops dont get put on tightly enough. sea me works fine on me (as do 7 of my other shadesticks) but overcast is just way too dry and doesnt apply right.

i think it has to be a problem like that or something ... if you take it back they'll probably give you a new one


Well-known member
here are some of mine...

creme de violet e/s -- why doesnt it apply? at all?

the mascaras i've tried havent seemed to do much of anything...

242 brush ... i asked for the concealer brush and the mua gave me this one... after i realized it was an eyeshadow brush, i must have ruined it because it wont apply eyeshadows right

electra eyeshadow, it clashes with my skin

and i will never buy a lip pallete, yuck!

Chic 2k6

Well-known member
I adore Creme Du Violet, it applies so intense if you use your finger rather than a brush cos its that kinda e/s


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Chic 2k6
I adore Creme Du Violet, it applies so intense if you use your finger rather than a brush cos its that kinda e/s

lol well whoops ive already traded it now
for nighttrain


Well-known member
Pink Venus e/s - NEVER shows up on me
Jewelmarine glitter - It's gorgeous but I doubt I'll use it much ... I can't bring myself to return it though haha.
All Over Gloss - I got it cuz the MA showed me how it helps keep glitters on BUT I have no idea what else I'd use it for.

Chic 2k6

Well-known member
Amoona, i heard that the all over gloss makes a really nice moisturising kinda lipgloss, could be used for eyebrows gel, cheeks shimmer, bit of higlights etc..


Well-known member
any lustre e/s
aloof lipstick- made me look deader than dead
petticoat- mine, at least, was a big chunk of glitter.
creme de violet e/s- made me look like i had a skin disease


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissMarley
any lustre e/s
aloof lipstick- made me look deader than dead
petticoat- mine, at least, was a big chunk of glitter.
creme de violet e/s- made me look like i had a skin disease

ooh second on the lustre eyeshadows

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