MAC employee necklace on ebay?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Bernadette
Anywho, people ask me if we sell the MAC jewelry all of the time and when I tell them no that it's kind of like our version of a name-tag, they get pretty bummed. People absolutely loved the Antiquitease necklace.

I'm not surprised at all that people want MAC necklaces. Most people don't know that it's just part of what the MAs have to wear as their "uniform" or that some of the jewelry they get through certification. The necklaces just look like another cool MAC product. I can see everyone from hardcore collectors to teenage girls at the mall wanting them.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Bernadette
I lost my MAC pin somehwere in the mall
My friend gave me one of hers because she had two and that one fell off at the counter. Those damn clips just don't stay shut. Anywho, people ask me if we sell the MAC jewelry all of the time and when I tell them no that it's kind of like our version of a name-tag, they get pretty bummed. People absolutely loved the Antiquitease necklace. I closed mine in a drawer and broke it, I'm smooth like that.

OMG r u serious? DiD you break it on purpose? (LOL) the antiquitease necklace was sooo horrible ,nobody wanted to wear it and as soon as it wasn't code anymore, people took theirs apart and modified them or just tried to forget it ever existed....same with the fAFI-shirts... i hated it so's a cute pj
(well i will sleep in it once i fully recovered from the event LOL)


Well-known member
I think it would be neat if mac came out with a piece of jewelry for their customers. They do shirts and scarves and dolls, so it wouldn't be that odd for a makeup company to do that.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by pumpkincat210
I think it would be neat if mac came out with a piece of jewelry for their customers. They do shirts and scarves and dolls, so it wouldn't be that odd for a makeup company to do that.

I agree. I think they should do a limited VG piece and use the $ for the VG fund. (nudge, nudge, MAC). It could say, "Viva Glamorous" or something.


Well-known member
does anyone have pics of some of the older mac jewerly? I am a new Mac artist and I am interested in seeing the older xmas gifts and such


Well-known member
The first time I had my makeup done at MAC I looked up the necklaces on eBay out of curiosity and was shocked at the prices.
I can't really understand why anyone would want to have that; but then again I guess it is a collector's item for some.
The only thing I'd want is the Barbie loves MAC shirt. But that's just because it's cute; and I can't justify the price!
I'm keeping all of that stuff for future kids or the nieces. I can't wait to see the fight for the still in plastic Barbie tshirt lol


Originally Posted by Bernadette
... I'm smooth like that.

Smoooooth, so darn smooth !!

i loved Your post ...had to comment!! i'm also going to try to private message You ...if i can figure out where & how.



Well-known member
I went to my MAC store yesterday and no one was wearing MAC jewelry but there own jewelry. Maybe they all sold theirs on ebay LOL


Active member
Wow that shows how much I pay attention, I've never noticed a MA wearing any sort of jewelry. That may very well be because the customer service at my counter is gawd awful. I think it is kind of neat though.


Well-known member
hey jackie..i do. i'd take pics but i just found them on ebay. search for "2007 mac bracelet" and "antiquities necklace"..those are the ones i have above and beyond my pin, necklace, and certification necklace..

i was never asked to return my jewelry when i quit.


Well-known member
p.s. i still wear my antiquitease necklace out when i'm wearing a plain black dress to a club or's so obnoxious looking and loud, but i freaking love it!


Well-known member
I kept all my jewelry after going from Artist to freelancer. My manager did not ask me to turn it in so I kept it all. I would never sell it because working for M.A.C. a. part of my life for almost 5yrs. Some collectors like to have not only M.A.C. jewelry, but anything that they feel is a collector's item so I understand why some pay that amount of cash for what they want. To each their own~
I kept all my jewelry & shirts when I moved/quit and they let me keep it all. Including the ugly gold nordies ani one from 06 lol one of my pals owed me cash & paid me in a new in bag Barbie shirt! Now that I've gotten older I could see people downsizing but not selling it on Ebay, give to friends who have M.A.C addictions or keep them for our kids. That's one of the reason's the cos industry has stopped being so good to it's artists and why it has lost most of the good ones.


New member
In the San Francisco Craigslist website under beauty/health there is a girl from San Jose who has been selling all the promo MAC shirts along with the vertical and horizontal MAC necklaces. Its kind of weird cuz of how much of the stuff she has. I think if your a MAC die hard the necklaces aren't that bad but why would you want some girls used work shirts?? I don't get it.


Well-known member
I sort of think its weird. But if I saw one of the Hello Kitty mac shirts up for sale I would probably buy it - because I thought they were REALLY cute shirts!


Well-known member
Lol, I use all my MAC t-shirts as gym clothes after I don't need them anymore! It never occurred to me to sell them. I can't imagine wanting someone work clothing.
I think its for collection purposes. I am not going to lie when I was sixteen one my MAC artists gave me one of his extra employee necklaces and I wore it once and felt kind of stupid for even owning it when I wasn't an artist. Lol so I soldout for $50 :x