MAC employees I need your help or anyone who would know!!!


Well-known member
Hey everyone

so I'm going to try for it... I'm going in today to show my portf. and leave my resume.... But I have a question.... it's difficult to ask cause it's a funny subject with people... but I really have no I idea and I don't want to short change myself!!!

So ok... how much do I ask for? I mean in GENERAL... what is the going rate(s) for MAC Makeup Artists? How does it work? I mean I need dollar amounts if you could... or a range!!!!

TIA people
and wish me luck!!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
AFAIK they really can't answer that question. :/

what does AFAIK mean? and oh ok... no worries! I just have no idea about it... but i guess it's all about exper!

thanks Shimmer


Well-known member
We are not allowed to discuss our wages, however MAC is a company that shows lots of love for it's employees. Nuff said.

The safest thing to do wherever you're filling out an application if you're unsure about how much to ask, is usually to not write anything, or just write down minimum wage. I would do the first.


Well-known member
If it asks for a wage on the app, just put " Negotiable". That way you can discuss it face to face during the interview.