MAC / Estee Lauder Warehouse Sale...


Well-known member
Re: Mac sale...

Funny u mention about the Estee Lauder sale. I went to my very first one ever at Markham Fairgrounds and honestly I was totally dissappointed! The colours and choice that I wanted weren't there! It's all leftover stuff that nobody wants and it's not even that cheap! They didn't even have one single mascara in stock. I was so mad! BTW I personally HAD a Mac hookup where I got 60% off Mac makeup. But I lost that hookup! :O( Now I just cry everytime I have to pay for something at regular price! *sniffs*


Well-known member
Re: Mac sale...

Originally Posted by gujifijian
Funny u mention about the Estee Lauder sale. I went to my very first one ever at Markham Fairgrounds and honestly I was totally dissappointed! The colours and choice that I wanted weren't there! It's all leftover stuff that nobody wants and it's not even that cheap! They didn't even have one single mascara in stock. I was so mad! BTW I personally HAD a Mac hookup where I got 60% off Mac makeup. But I lost that hookup! :O( Now I just cry everytime I have to pay for something at regular price! *sniffs*

Well, it's just like any other overstock sale, you never know what you'll get. They had some fairly decent stuff when I was there in June like the Fafi quads, the Showflower quad, the Untamed quads, Holiday 2007 palettes, a whole bunch of Fluidlines, glosses and lipsticks. And seeing that the quads were about $15 - about 1/3 price - I think that's a steal of a deal. The other items were discounted by that much but I'd much rather pay $9/10 than $16.50 for an eyeshadow!


Active member
Re: Mac sale...

Thanks so much for all the info!! If anyone has spare tickets I'd love them - if not that's okay. Just make sure you guys tell us what you get. I'll have to live vicariously through all of you lucky ladies!!!!


Well-known member
Re: Mac sale...

Originally Posted by michmom2
Thanks so much for all the info!! If anyone has spare tickets I'd love them - if not that's okay. Just make sure you guys tell us what you get. I'll have to live vicariously through all of you lucky ladies!!!!

Haha, that's if we're lucky enough to get a ticket!! Anyone have news on that yet? I'm still waiting to hear from my contact.


Well-known member
Re: Mac sale...

If anyone is free on Saturday, give me a shout. I've got an extra ticket that I can't find a taker for (surprising!). I'm posting here first but if I don't hear anything by Wednesday night I'll post in Red Flag Deals and Kijiji.


Well-known member
Re: Mac sale...

Aaiights, so whoever is going tomorrow please come back and post what you saw! TIA! =D


Well-known member
Re: Mac sale...

Serves me right for not doing any shopping lately. No one offered me a ticket. Although I have to wonder if this sale will consist of things left over from the last sale. There was so much left!!

The Christmas sale has the most stuff, I'm starting to think.

I'll watch this thread... if the sale is fabulous, I'm going to go ask for a ticket.

(I haven't even started the wipes I bought from last time. Or the Estee Lauder creams either.)


Well-known member
Re: Mac sale...

Originally Posted by BlahWah
Aaiights, so whoever is going tomorrow please come back and post what you saw! TIA! =D

Definately! I need to plan for Saturday!!

Only 2 more sleeps


Well-known member
Re: Mac sale...

Boo, no posts, we'll be going in blind. Roxy, you're going? Maybe we'll cross paths, but I don't know what you look like! Too bad we didn't know before. =T


Well-known member
Re: Mac sale...

Originally Posted by Meryl
Serves me right for not doing any shopping lately. No one offered me a ticket. Although I have to wonder if this sale will consist of things left over from the last sale. There was so much left!!

The Christmas sale has the most stuff, I'm starting to think.

I'll watch this thread... if the sale is fabulous, I'm going to go ask for a ticket.

(I haven't even started the wipes I bought from last time. Or the Estee Lauder creams either.)

Meryl! I was wondering where you were! Good to "see" you again. =P I pm'd you but your box was full. If there's anything you want me to look out for, email me! ( I'll try to check before heading out tomorrow.


Well-known member
Re: Mac sale...

oh so lucky!!! I wish I could go! I'm looking for a mauvism paint and would love to see if they have it! There's no cco's near me.. not even a MAC counter closer than 8hrs away! anyone who goes will have to fill us all in on all the details of all their fabulous finds!

Originally Posted by mittens
This is like Charlie and Chocolate Factory, lol golden tickets.

ha ha ha that actually made me laugh out loud...


Well-known member
Re: Mac sale...

Originally Posted by BlahWah
Meryl! I was wondering where you were! Good to "see" you again. =P I pm'd you but your box was full. If there's anything you want me to look out for, email me! ( I'll try to check before heading out tomorrow.

Ahh, thank you! I'll just live vicariously though you and your shopping. Can't wait to hear what you buy!


Well-known member
Re: Mac sale...

Ok just got home and it was another good one I tried to hold back a bit yeah didn't really work big haul.
face set brushes
mac wipes
eye set brushes
amazone quad
take wing quad
well plumed quad
$12 items
cleans off oil
charged water in youth aura
scult and shape in bone beige and empasize, also accenuate and sculpt
MSFN medium
global glow MSF
glissade MSF
ccb shell
metal x cyber
screen queen ls
naked to the core ls
bodymind lg
upberpeach chromeglass (OMG yeah love it!!!)
metalphysical chromeglass
graphito paint
birchbark ccb
bronze ccb
sweet sienna
steal blue
reflects very pink
mossscape pp
stray grey pp
quite natural pp
delft pp
artifact pp
fresco rose pp
fab and flashy
evening aura
femme fi
french grey
rich flesh

Ok stuff I remember but seeing this is going to be pretty random but lots of paint pots pharo, (few other from mqueen) cash flow (few other from fafi) indian wood, contructive, all the eyeshadows from neo sci fi, all eye shadows from cool heat, most from the n collection. Lots of MSFN as well as the new views mostly darker colours though. Lots of the beauty powder blushes from the collection in the spring. A decent amount of pigements still but had a lot of them. Lip stuff was so so two mateens but none that I like few slim shines. On the table with the quads there was a thing with 5 shades sticks in it. All of the rich metal high lighters from colour forms collection as saw royal flush. All of the lipsticks from that collection as well, Umm that is all I can recall for now if remember more I will update.

Oh and I save the best part for last the breast cancer donation table OMG they had 4 diffrent grab bags $5 each I got one of each unreal what you get for $20
bag 1
180 brush
ever sun
real desire lg
bag 2
227 brush
fleshlight ls
rosebound lipglass pencil
deepsoul cream stick liner
bag 3
169 brush
urgent slimeshine
valentine's lipgelee
select sheer nw15
bag 4
206 brush
lust lust lipgelee
urgent slimeshine
prep and prime microfine lip refinisher



Well-known member
Re: Mac sale...

^^ Those grab bags were awesome eh? I wish I didn't buy my 169 now, augh! But I'm glad Fleshlight was in there - I was looking into getting it anyway! =D

I feel there was more selection in June tho, especially with the quads. I was surprised to see full-sized brushes available tho - 249 and the 189. Here's what else I saw (to add to MzFit's list):

Feeling bpb
Serenely bpb
Shy Beauty bpb
True Romantic bpb
Eversun bpb
Masque l/s
Improper Copper ccb
Illegal Cargo e/s
Climate Blue, Cool Heat, Warming Trend, Solar White e/s
Big T e/s
Maple/Walnut & Malt/Auburn brow shader
Wheat brow finisher
(lipglass liners)
Rich Flesh, Dark Edge & Modest Tone e/s
Port Red l/s (!!!)
Royal Flush p/m
Jealous k/p (!!!)
Uncommon b/creme
Trace Gold blush
Mother of Pearl, Honey B c/stick
Charged Water minis!!!!
Lightful Essence

There were more but that's about all I wrote down. I so wish I had more cash b/c I would've loved more from Cool Heat! But if I could confirm I'd get a ticket for the next sale I'd hold out on the next collections b/c most of it showed up there anyway (single stuff tho, not quads much).

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