Mac eyeshadow suggestions please


hi! I am choosing new shadows as a gift to add to my growing collection! Can you please tell me what you think I should include or omit? I'm blonde, nw20' hazel green eyes I own: Phloof! Beautiful iris Nocturnelle All that glitters Sketch Star violet Stars n rockets Parfait amour Yogurt Plumage Paradisco Twinks Steamy Print Pink freeze Trax Humid Shale Plum dressing Swish In my cart, I have crystal, dazzlelight, violet pigment, surf USA, moons reflection, contrast, Woodwinked, sumptuous olive, Juxt, lucky green, gorgeous gold, jest Do I have anything that is too similar to what I own already? Anything you suggest that I am not including? Thanks so much!


Well-known member
Hm, you've probably put in your order already but in case you haven't, here are my faves. We have similar colouring so it might be of help!

Charcoal Brown
Fig 1
Satellite Dreams

I swatched Sumptuous Olive in store and the MUA recommended Greensmoke instead. It's much more green and less yellow-y, and I think helps to bring out green eyes.


Well-known member
I'm probably too late but I'll post my recs nonetheless.

I prefer Goldmine over Gorgeous Gold b/c it brings out my green eyes better. And I dislike greenish golds, they look like poo on me.
Anything purple that takes your fancy is great for green eyes as well, so Beautiful Iris, Parfait Amour, Stars N Rockets.
I love All That Glitters, one of the few shadows where I've hit pan on. Paradisco is another favorite of mine, as well as the combo of Haux and Twinks.
Yogurt and Humid are great too.
