MAC Face Charts from Around the World!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by stellarx1587
Oh man... if MAC were to do something like that, the poor book would last all of about 2 seconds on the streets!!! Hahaha... I wonder why MAC hasn't done makeup books like Kevin Aucoin's Books or Francois Nars??? That would be a top seller in NO TIME!!!. Makeup tips and tricks from the MAC Pro's??? OMG... I'd be ALL OVER IT...

i second that! maybe we could get one of the admins to email MAC on behalf of all 10,000 specktra members suggesting that....MAN im sure that would get some attention..anyone agree?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Bec688
aznsmurfy - What "huge book" did you get these face charts out of?

It was this book of a bunch of face charts like the ones you see bound with one of those not spiral bound, but kind like spiral bound with some hard transparent covers that just had "MAC Face Charts from Around the World" on it. It was all paper. ^_^ I'll try to post some better photos!


Well-known member
I just realize MAC is as old as me!
The face charts are soooooooooooooooooooooo pretty.
agree that they should come out with their own book.


Well-known member
Oh my God! These are gorgeous! I just came across these while searching online for some old looks. MAC definately needs to sell a huge book with these. It would sell out immediately.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ilovexnerdsx
i second that! maybe we could get one of the admins to email MAC on behalf of all 10,000 specktra members suggesting that....MAN im sure that would get some attention..anyone agree?

Unfortunately MAC doesn't accept product suggestions. At least not via e-mail by the general populace. I have tried before,..You get this really generic return e-mail stating that they have their own R&D team and that they prolly have already thought of what you are suggesting and pretty much that is it. I have been on them about a RED (Not pink,.. not pink undertoned,.. not slightly red) eyeshadow for years. LOL.


Well-known member
I like all of them, but the one from Italy's eyebrows. It's sort of scary to me. I love looking at face charts. Thank you.


Well-known member
NICE! One of those face charts is from SF but I can't read the name of the artist, I wonder if I know who it is. I love looking at Face charts - but I suck at them and refuse to do them at work lol. They're soooo much more difficult then they look.


Well-known member
Has anyone made their own book of facecharts? I'm sure I've read about memebers here making their own binders. I have over 500 fcs saved on my PC, which I'm trying to organize. Eventually I want to print them all out as a resource. I looove face charts


Well-known member
These are all REALLY PRETTY! Ok MAC better make a face chart book before I die! I would pay big bucks for it.

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