
Hi, sorry if someone asked this question before, but I was wondering if I can B2M for limited edition eyeshadow or lipsticks at the mac stores? I know that MAC counter in Macy's only do permanent lipsticks.


Well-known member
^^^this question has been asked, and asked, and asked.

Mac policy is that you can b2m any 6 glass, metal, or plastic empties and receive any lipstick (bullet, slimshine, mattene or prolongwear-excluding VG) at counters. At stores, if you have your personal info entered into their system, you can also choose any shadow (excluding pans) or any lipgloss (excluding VG). All of these items can be perm or LE. Stores now limit recycles to 24 empties at one time.

Again, this is company policy, however not all locations follow it. Call your local counter/store to check their policy.

I've included all details of the policy, so hopefully (but doubtful), this question will not be asked again.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by erine1881
^^^this question has been asked, and asked, and asked.

Mac policy is that you can b2m any 6 glass, metal, or plastic empties and receive any lipstick (bullet, slimshine, mattene or prolongwear-excluding VG) at counters. At stores, if you have your personal info entered into their system, you can also choose any shadow (excluding pans) or any lipgloss (excluding VG). All of these items can be perm or LE. Stores now limit recycles to 24 empties at one time.

Again, this is company policy, however not all locations follow it. Call your local counter/store to check their policy.

I've included all details of the policy, so hopefully (but doubtful), this question will not be asked again.

Thank you for this clarification - I get different answers in the same store oddly enough. When I went Saturday and saw the new collection, I commented that had I known, I would have brought my B2M. The SA told me that I had to wait 6 weeks to get the new collection with B2M. I went back yesterday to get palettes and some permanent shadows with my B2M, and a different SA said, 'you know you can use your B2M for the new collection, right?'.

I was also told by one associate that I could only do 3, the manager on a different day told me 4. I got the same discrepancy when trying to buy palettes - one says 3, the other 4.

I could see if it was different stores with different policies, but yeesh. Now I know who to ask for when I go in


Well-known member
Originally Posted by flushed
I emailed MAC a few days ago regarding depotted eyeshadows, here's what part of the email said:

With regard to your inquiry, we are pleased to announce that depotted eye shadow plastic outer casings are currently being accepted for our "Back to M.A.C" program. However, we do recommend that you call your local counter or free-standing store to confirm this, as this policy is just going into effect now.

I ALWAYS do this, and I make sure to ask for the name of the MA I spoke with so when I go in I can ask for that person or inform the other MA I spoke with ______. Just the other day I went to my Pro store to b2m and I ALWAYS go to 2 different people there. The one I went to that day didn't know the policy had changed, but I told her one of the other girls took it, so she took my depots as well. Some of them don't care if you bring in depots without the metal pans, some are very anal about it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MMMAC26
I've been looking for empty pans to press pigments into, but I haven't been able to find anywhere that sells them. Can I ask where you found yours?

I got 15 for $4 off ebay! I just pressed a pigment tonight and they work great.


Well-known member
Re: The Missing Melted e/s Pan Caper

Originally Posted by sheznolady
When I B2M at any (insert name of LARGE, happenin' California city) MAC store, my depotted e/s without the melted plastic pans are accepted without question.

Last weekend, however, I decided to B2M for l/s at Nordstrom, San Diego. Among my 18 pieces were 12 depotted e/s containers, which I was told would not be accepted because the melted (depotted) pans were missing. I was told that it was MAC company policy that the entire e/s contents (melted plastic innards included) must be presented to qualify for B2M.

See, this was the first that I'd heard of this, because I always B2M at MAC stores in (LARGE, happenin' California city).

Nordstrom SD stated that if (large happenin' California city) MAC stores were accepting e/s containers without melted plastic, they were in violation of MAC policy.

Isn't there a universal policy for B2M? Inquiring recyclers NEED to know.


Yes, depots need the melted piece of plastic. Doesn't matter if it doesn't fit back into the pot (I've had a few that don't go back in properly) and I've still been able to b2m them. As long as you have all the pieces they qualify. I was even told by an MA @ the Pro store that if you break a compact into 3 pieces, and you save all 3 pieces, and bring them in to b2m, they will take it (only counts as 1 item though). Depots no longer require the metal pan, but you do need the plastic that the metal pans are glued to.


New member
Do you know if B2M is available in QATAR? If it is, I may have a chance to return them.

By the way, I depot my eyeshadows just with a knife. No need to melt anything. Just stick it to the side of the pan and try to lift it, being very gentle.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by llorona
By the way, I depot my eyeshadows just with a knife. No need to melt anything. Just stick it to the side of the pan and try to lift it, being very gentle.

i've cracked a couple of es that way


Originally Posted by fallenang3l211
i've cracked a couple of es that way

Have you tried to do it where you cut the plastic pan with snips in two pieces by the closure? (The way Enkore demonstrates on youtube.)

Just wondering...



Well-known member
i do a little of the melting, and then pop it out with a knife down the side of the pan, if the glue is melty, it will pop out easy, but it means you dont have to leave it on the heat until the plastic melts too, that way you dont risk over heating ur shadow and it going a weird consistency like it does sometimes.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Thistle702
Have you tried to do it where you cut the plastic pan with snips in two pieces by the closure? (The way Enkore demonstrates on youtube.)

Just wondering...


I haven't tried it that way actually! i'm afraid i won't be able to b2m if i cut them up? maybe i should try. i love enkore's videos. he makes everything so easy!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by banana1234
i do a little of the melting, and then pop it out with a knife down the side of the pan, if the glue is melty, it will pop out easy, but it means you dont have to leave it on the heat until the plastic melts too, that way you dont risk over heating ur shadow and it going a weird consistency like it does sometimes.

i'll try that next time! i hate it when there's a ton of glue and its hard to push out and then the plastic and glue melting smells horrible. i've never had a problem with the consistency changing though? what happened to yours?


Well-known member
i over heated one once, and it went a bit funny, i think the shadow just totally dried out, like it got really dry? does that make sense? i know its powder anyway, but the consistancy was weird, i did it with deep truth, which is usually really easy to work with, but i forgot about it, and left it on the straightner for like 10 minutes, and since then its had more of a matt texture than a frost, i dont mean its lost its shimmer, its just become harder to work with. like you really have to work hard to get it to show up.

Sound Of Vision

Well-known member
I have few MAC items that I got as a gift so I don't have a receipt for them, and since the shades don't suit me I was thinking of exchanging them...but is it possible without a receipt? And plus, does it matter the country where it was bought? One thing I have I got from USA and I live in London...

Btw, when exchanging, you need to have paper box too, right? I'm missing it on one of the cream foundations that I have...


Well-known member
The very easiest way to depot I ever found was partly Enkore's, a part of it. I use the straightening iron method where you put the pot on one side of a heated iron (usually only a couple of minutes, keep an eye on it) until it's slightly soft, then I use the BEST - a small eyeglass screwdriver to gently pry out the pan from the sides; and it's a breeze from there. Then I used Enkore's method for wiping of the glue. So easy!


Well-known member
Re: The Missing Melted e/s Pan Caper

Originally Posted by fallenang3l211
Yes, depots need the melted piece of plastic. Doesn't matter if it doesn't fit back into the pot (I've had a few that don't go back in properly) and I've still been able to b2m them. As long as you have all the pieces they qualify. I was even told by an MA @ the Pro store that if you break a compact into 3 pieces, and you save all 3 pieces, and bring them in to b2m, they will take it (only counts as 1 item though). Depots no longer require the metal pan, but you do need the plastic that the metal pans are glued to.

I am SO confused about the policy for depots.

I was told by my MAC counter that they could not accept my depots because the metal pans were missing. And I just didnt a back to mac f depots about a month or so ago at the same location! I was so mad because there was a LE lipglass that I really wanted

So then I go to the Saks counter and they look at me all stupid saying they never ever accepted depots not matter what condition and there is a memo out saying not to accept them

What is the deal? I want to depot some more shadows that I have but I'll leave them alone if I can recycle the cases.

Can anyone clear up why different places are always saying different things?


Well-known member
I've never done b2m at Saks before, but any counter will only let you b2m for lipstick. I read in another thread the best way to verify is to do a live chat with someone on then print out the convo and bring it with you to the f/s MAC store. I don't have a problem with b2m anymore. If I'm told by one person at one store or a counter, I make sure I get their name so if I go somewhere else they can call to verify. I guess it helps if you go back to the same counter/store frequently and have a specific MA that you go to. My MAC counter at Nordstroms, half of them know my name & face so they always take care of me. I have a regular I go to as well. Most of the time if she's not there I won't bother going. My Pro store has 6 employees including the manager and I know half of them. Make yourself familiar with the employees. They're supposed to be taking depots without the metal pans now. I have b2m in about a month so I'd be shocked if policy changed again.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by fallenang3l211
I've never done b2m at Saks before, but any counter will only let you b2m for lipstick. I read in another thread the best way to verify is to do a live chat with someone on then print out the convo and bring it with you to the f/s MAC store. I don't have a problem with b2m anymore. If I'm told by one person at one store or a counter, I make sure I get their name so if I go somewhere else they can call to verify. I guess it helps if you go back to the same counter/store frequently and have a specific MA that you go to. My MAC counter at Nordstroms, half of them know my name & face so they always take care of me. I have a regular I go to as well. Most of the time if she's not there I won't bother going. My Pro store has 6 employees including the manager and I know half of them. Make yourself familiar with the employees. They're supposed to be taking depots without the metal pans now. I have b2m in about a month so I'd be shocked if policy changed again.

I was wondering the same question

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